Filthling not dropping

I see what you are saying however the fact that the cockroaches in the area also do not die when stomped on just once, tells me they are just ignoring this area like it isn’t costing them anything. The cockroaches also seem like they would be an easy fix. A bunch of them have to be stomped on in a certain amount of time for an achievement. Seems that achievement has been broken since prepatch to shadowlands as well as the filthling drop. 2 easy ones they could have just fixed right away.

Spent an hour grinding on the 9.1 PTR and killed 40 elites. They are currently still allowing you to go waste your time in that filth pit, next patch, for nothing.

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Filthling pet drop - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (

Here is a link to someone who made a new thread about this just in case it gets some attention

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slimes still aren’t dropping the bags :frowning:


Sorry Fim, they are really holding strong with their “Blizzard Standard Of Excellence” -take money and to hell with doing what is right. 9 months now?


Just checking in to see if you guys at Blizz have a response yet. The pet is up to about 20x its old price. I still have “several” from when I multiboxed here, but it’s just so weird that y’all would make a pet unobtainable without any mention.


Spent aprox 1 hour on 9.1.5 PTR, looted 36 elites. Still nothing. 1K views on this forum, all this new leadership, I was hoping someone would care by now.


I just got half empty food container on PTR

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I just got half empty food container on 9.1.5. About 8th elite kill

i guess this isn’t fixed yet…

it’s crazy that this has been broken for so long.

I cannot believe this is still an issue. Im wanting to get the pet but no drops :frowning: