Figuring out the best way to gem a Protection Warrior:

My Protection Warrior just got his T9/T10 tanking gear + shield:

  1. Faceplate of the Honorbound
  2. Ymirjar Lord’s Pauldrons
  3. Ymirjar Lord’s Breastplate
  4. Wrynn’s Legguards of Triumph
  5. Wrynn’s Handguards of Triumph
  6. The Boreal Guard shield

Here are a list of the gems required for socket bonuses:

red gems: 4
blue gems: 3
yellow gems: 2
meta gem: 1

Should I gem for bonuses or not? How should I gem these pieces?

540 defense.

102.4% avoidance

rest stamina.

Helm is almost always a great slot to get the socket bonus as it has the strongest bonus.
So here I’d put an Enduring Green (Defense/Stam) if you need the defense. Otherwise a Vivid Green (Hit/Stam)

Here you could go either way with just a pure stam gem or get the socket bonus with a Guardian’s Purple (Expertise/Stam). Both options are good.

Here I would definitely do a Guardian’s Purple (Exp/Stam) in the red. Then Stam in the Blue.

I would do the same as the chest piece above.

Enduring or Vivid Green (Def/stam or Hit/Stam). Full stam would be fine too.

Full Stam in both sockets.

Essentially how I do it is if there is only 1 non blue on a piece and the bonus is +9 stam or higher then I almost always match the sockets.
I.e. the Chest and Pants being 1 Red and 1 Blue with +9 stam.

If it’s +6 I sometimes do it, depending on how the rest of my gear situation is.

Thanks so much! However, am I limited to using the same type of hybrid gem only once? Can I use the Guardian’s purple more than once and get credit for it?

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You should probably list what your goals are and what content? I mean are you a MT, you just doing Gammas etc.

For myself, I gem for damage but I also do a lot of PvP. However if you are doing dungeons with low Dps then the damage does help.

I’m not sure what you mean.
The only gems that are limited are Prismatic (Nightmare/Enchanted Tear) which counts for any color and you only get 1. Dragon’s Eye’s (JC bonus gem) which you get 3 of. And Stormjewels which are rare epic gems that you can only have 1 of, but stormjewels are essentially irrelevant now. And Meta gems since they can only go in Meta sockets and you only can have 1 in your helm.

The multicolor gems (purple, green, and orange) can be used as much as you want in your gear and will match the corresponding sockets:
Purple in Blue or Red.
Green in Blue or Yellow.
Orange in Red or Yellow.

So if a piece has a Red and Blue socket you could do:

Red in red, blue in blue
Purple in red, blue in blue
Purple in red, purple in blue
Red in red, purple in blue.

Any of those combinations would give you the proper socket bonus.

On my tank I just went for 5.4% defense (crit immunity vs 82), then put anything else towards hit/exp/str. I only tanked dungeons though. You would want more protection for raid bosses.

That restriction was removed when epic gems came out. They’re they same as reg epic gems. Stormjewel away.

You probably have no issues with expertise or hit cap at your gear level, obviously also safely over def threshold

You should consider shifting dreadstones in the red slots for a few extra socket bonuses, instead of just going the standard mass solid majestic zircons. Agility is actually a busted stat for prot warrior, close to 1.4x efficiency. This is because one agi gives you 2 armor, 0.534 dodge rating, and 0.7345 crit rating, and 1.1x that with kings.

With the Dodge debuff in ICC - just go stam, nothing else comes close (assuming you’ve met your caps).

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