Fight Milk Wants You

<Fight Milk - [H] Faerlina> is recruiting for its core in WotLK!

About Us:

Fight Milk is a newly formed guild preparing to hit Wrath of the Lich King running. Our core is composed of a tightly knit friend group that has been gaming together for almost a decade. Most of us began our WoW journey in 2008. A few of our officers were a part of guilds completing 25 man hard modes and competing for a realm first Lich King kill. Since then all of us have been sporadic members of hard-core / mythic guilds throughout WoW’s history across retail and classic.


Our guild leadership has set three main goals for ourselves as we enter the expansion:

  1. Achieve Immortal Naxxramas pre-Ulduar release
  2. Kill Algalon pre-ToC and push for “Alone in the Darkness”
  • Construct Val’anyr
  1. 25 Man Heroic Lich King killed pre-nerf
  • Construct Shadowmourne

We strive for a laid back, but get stuff done attitude. Since we only schedule 2 days/week, we expect our raiders to…

  • Research fights, be on time, and stay focused in raid
  • Stay up-to-date on your BiS gear that is obtainable outside of raid
    (preBiS before P1 raids, BiS crafted items, etc)
  • Care about warcraftlogs
  • Come with consumables
  • Be prepared to progress (this means have a tolerance for wiping)
  • Be prepared to put the raid group’s needs above your own

Raid Schedule

Tuesday/Wednesday 7:30 - 11:30 PM EST. (Invites at 7:00pm, pull at 7:30pm, ~15 minute break)

100% attendance is expected, but we understand we’re humans and this is, at the end of the day, a video game. We utilize an “opt-out”system for raid attendance; meaning that we expect you to be online for raid nights unless you message leadership saying otherwise.

Please keep in mind that while we only require 2 days of raiding per week, most of the officer core will be online 4-5 nights per week on multiple level 80 characters. We are excited to host things such as alt raids, battlegrounds, heroic runs, clearing old content, etc on off nights.

Loot System

Loot Council - We plan on having an LC that is chaired by two of the founding officers plus 2-4 raiders that rotate on a bi-weekly basis. The goal of rotating the members is to address any concerns of bias, provide transparency, and give every raider a voice. The aim for loot distribution is to ensure pieces go where it will most benefit the raid & our current progression goals; this means everything from degree of upgrade, attendance, and historical raid performance will be taken into account.

Note: Attending off night raid events (not Tuesday/Wednesday) will not affect loot council decisions.


Immediate consideration for core spots will be given to:

  • Healers (listed in order of preference)
    • Resto Druid
    • Resto Shaman
  • Raid Utility DPS (listed in no particular order)
    • Unholy DK
    • Boomkin
    • Shadow Priest
    • Enhance & Elemental Shaman
    • Hunter
    • Rogue

Any players who are hyped for all WotLK has to offer and want to commit to having as rewarding a raiding experience as possible should feel encouraged to reach out as we have openings for core raiding spots even after filling the necessary positions above.

[LikeTheBox#2594 or Lieutntdan#8459] are eagerly awaiting to hear from you on Discord if you have any questions. If you’d like to apply please reach out and fill out this form. We will do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.

If you made it to this point in the post, thank you for your attention.

With the strength of a crow,
Fight Milk

Looking to build up the core ! BUMP

bump bump bump it up

just pump it out!

We are starting to run weekly events (kara,ZA,BT) to help gear up freshly rerolled toons and get to know the new candidates. Hoping that we will be able to have several leveling groups forming within the guild as pre-patch progresses so we can hit the first raid lock out with our full team

There will be punch and pie

It will be a great time we promise

We have a guild tabard.

and a guild bank

Still recruiting!

We are starting up regular MH/BT clears with Sunwell as soon as the roster fills. So if you are looking to hit 70-80 hard the earlier you get in the better