Fiery Hearthsteed!

log in hearthstone and log out went on wow never got it! whats going on am i doing wrong lol?

It’s not available yet.

Starts March 11th.


oh right i did read it wrong aha my bad i just woke up


Is this a phone game? I think I remember playing it for the Sarge Mount. But not sure

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Yeah, it’s got an app.

Some people seem to like it - I’ve never been a fan of deckbuilder games.


Yes, it’s not March 11th yet.

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I played it on my PC. There is an app for it too.

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Is…that the same fiery horse they gave us in the trading post last year…as if so yeah that’s annoying. I mean a felfire horse would of been neat but who knows maybe it’s a darker shade of that other horse.

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No. It’s a recolor of the original Hearthsteed.

The RAF mount that was on the Trading Post is the Cindermane Charger:

This is the original Hearthsteed mount:

And this is the new anniversary one:

MMO Champ has the side by side:


Oh sweet. I won’t say no to another hearthsteed. The first one has been a mainstay of my stable. Didn’t realise it had been so long! God I’m old.


Welp, guess I’m gonna be redownloading Hearthstone come the 11th lol. I need the fireboi


I still haven’t bothered getting it lol. I didn’t even realize you still could until I checked the wowhead comments.

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So…it’s a red version then?

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Of the Hearthsteed. Yes. Not the Cindermane Charger.

The Hearthsteed was the first mount we could earn by playing Hearthstone when it first came out. So the 10 year anniversary one is a recolor of that original.

Not unlike the recolor of the Obsidian Worldbreaker from the 15th anniversary that we got with the Azure Worldchiller from the 19th anniversary.


okay then, hoping we get a fel variant at a later date as it could look rather wicked in green

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I know its not the same as the cindermane charger… but its the cindermane charger.

I preferred the original version of this mount back when it was the mount collection achievement reward.
Back then it had blue and red flames. That was cool.

It’s a horse rig. Outside of that, no. It’s the Hearthsteed. :stuck_out_tongue:

Which one is this?


How do you get the blue mount? Do you need to spend a lot money to get a deck that will let you achieve the blue mount, or is it attainable without needing to shell out a ton of money?

I didn’t spend any money. I just did the intro questline for Hearthstone and those matches seemed to count.

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I have always seen the cindermane charger as basically just the red hearthsteed for years now haha

It was the original reward for 400 mounts collected.
Originally it was red and blue. Then made just red. Then removed and swapped for a green chicken after people complained it want original enough