<Fiend> LFM M+ & Mythic Raiding - 9:30-12:00 AEST Th/Fr/Su

Still LFM - Season 2 Mythic Raiding & M+

3/8H Undermine currently. 8/03/25.

We are a mid-core team with CE aspirations. Raiding to us is more of having fun together than a job, so expectations are a bit lower on your end for raid prep, but still expected to be competitive with class output.

A lot of guild members also run keys at a mid-high level (2500-3300 io season 1). If you’re a tank looking to up your game with good bunch of healers and DPS come drop by, groups are going almost every day/night.

Mythic Raiding
These three classes/specs are highly desirable for our 20-man mythic team.

  • Rogue
  • Mage
  • Devastation evoker

Heroic Raiding
We are open to all classes and roles to fill out a 30-man heroic squad, just contact me to discuss. We’re also keen to get a second team off the ground that is just focussed on heroic and building into their own Mythic team, if you have raid leader potential contact me :slight_smile:

Discord: MoONSHO7
BTag: MoONSHO7#1787

Raid times:
Thursday/Sunday and Fridays for first few weeks, before becoming an optional night for heroic farm.

Perth/Asia ~6:30-9:30pm
Syd/Melbourne ~9:30-12:30pm

Fiend currently recruiting for all spec and classes.

Still LFM for season 2

Ranged DPS a major preference atm

Still LFM to fill out roster for season 2

Healer + Ranged DPS preferable.

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I’ll look into it. Possibly I’ll get a transfer to frosmourne, as my current realm (aman’thul) is not great in terms of guilds

Ping me on discord and we can have a chat :slight_smile:

Discord: Moonsho7

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Still LFM

Below are our high preferences but we are open to all:

  • Ranged DPS (Evoker, Shadow Priest, Ele Shaman, Boomkin)
  • DPS with Tank Offspec
  • Healer - Priest, Holy Paladin

Still LFM for Season 2

Still LFM - Season 2 Mythic Raiding

High preferences for Mythic content:

  • Ranged DPS (Evoker, Shadow Priest, Ele Shaman, Boomkin)
  • Exceptional Healer

We are open to all classes and roles to fill out a 30 man heroic squad, just contact me to discuss.

Discord: MoONSHO7
BTag: MoONSHO7#1787

Raid times:
Thursday/Sunday and Fridays for first few weeks, before becoming an optional night.
9.30PM Server Time.
Perth/Asia ~6:30-9:30pm
Syd/Melbourne ~9:30-12:30pm

Still LFM season 2

Healer/ranged for Mythic prog
Any to fill out heroic team to 30 players.

Still LFM

A lot of guild members also run keys at a mid-high level (2500-3300 io season 1). If you’re a tank looking to up your game with good bunch of healers and DPS come drop by, groups are going almost every day/night.

Mythic Raiding
These two classes are currently highly desirable for our 20-man mythic team.

  • Rogue
  • Mage

Discord: MoONSHO7
BTag: MoONSHO7#1787

Hey mate, im a tank looking for mythic raiding, plenty of experience with it, ive just dropped friend requests on both discord and bnet <3. hopefully we can chat soon!

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