FFXIV-style tank stance

I know everyone has a better time at this than me, cuz I is bad player.

But I wish tanks had a “tanking stance” ability that generates MASSIVE aggro towards themselves with ALL abilities they use; ffxiv has this, and it’s WONDERFUL,
it’s nearly impossible in FFXIV to take aggro from a tank - in this game, EVERYONE can EASILY take aggro from ANY tank


FF14 tank stance is redundant. In content where there’s only one tank, there’s never a reason to have it turned off. In content where there’s more than one tank, there’s usually no reason to have it turned off except for briefly when you do a tank swap.

WoW handles tank swaps much more elegantly with our taunting system. We don’t need tanks stances since tanks already have a built-in aggro multiplier. In other words, tanks in WoW do have a tank stance and it’s always on.

What? I can’t remember the last time I’ve had aggro issues in WoW. Not since they removed Skittish.


This boils down to a legit learn your class and learn to play issue. Aggro shouldn’t be an issue unless you’re not trying.


Similar thing in WoW. Tanks generate a lot of threat and unless it’s a Warrior blowing their CDs onto a pack without tricks as a BDK pulls it then things are generally fine.

It is okay to not ambiently pulse a trillion threat passively.

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Completely false. I pull aggro from tanks in every level dungeon on my various toons, and as my tanks, same happens to me. Your comment is 100% false and just written to troll me.


I recommend hitting the tanks primary target to avoid such a mishap. :dracthyr_heart: It’s very stressful for new tanks to have people hitting random stuff before it’s even grouped up.

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i miss when i could use shirk in ff14 to threaten a dps when they misbehaved

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FF14 aggro and tank stance are boring gameplay.

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Yeah, they wanted aggro to continue to be somewhat of a mechanic, but it’s usually pretty easy to handle.

It used to be good ;_; they took all the fun out of threat management in Shadowbringers. Back in Stormblood and earlier you actually had to put effort in to maintain threat and your dps had to use diversion/lucid dreaming/bring a NIN with Shadewalker/Smoke Screen to keep from getting aggro.

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Lmao, this used to be defensive stance before… I wanna say Legion? There was an xpac where they made it extremely hard for tanks to keep aggro. Mighta been BFA. Up to that point it was extremely easy to get aggro as a warrior, just turn on defensive stance and light em up

Yea it was better before they rekt everything in Shadowbringer.

Lol there are two tanks or even three tanks depends on what content you are talking about

Yeah this is very much a git gud issue. Tanks in WoW have a passive threat modifier that no DPS can ever hope to approach outside of on pull burst or other tanks who do significantly more DPS than you do. Taunting gives you all the threat of the highest threat person and focuses the boss to target you and also like doubles your threat gen for that fixate period

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Only time this happens is if i go into a dungeon without my aoe ability and i grt grouped with someone who does.

So what, by level 20 its no longer an issue.

If its happening after 20, its a git gud issue sir

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The post makes more sense if you actually read it. Any other questions?

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Any tank worth their salt isn’t gonna have aggro taken from them. At 440 I’m not pulling aggro from a 405 tank if they are actually playing

Tbh, ff14’s tank stance changes are one of the things that killed the game for me. They over casualized an already extremely easy game too much.

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Gather at the foot of my rock’n chair youngsters, grandpa Kaioon is gonna tell another EQ story.

In the before times, there was a class called Warrior in a game called The EverQuest. And this class had a whole three active abilities. Auto-Attack, Taunt and Kick/Bash/Slam (situational abilities that shared a cooldown).

This nascent proto-class was expected to be the tank in the most situations, but with its mighty three abilities, one of which was auto attack, it could not reliably generate threat. A warrior had to rely on gear, specifically weapons that had magical abilities “procs” to build threat. Without these rare and often expensive pieces of gear a tanking warrior was reliant on the rest of the group to 1: Cooperate and respect the process of generating threat or 2: Have someone in the group root the mob at the start of the fight. Once rooted a monster would be unable to move and forced to melee the closest target. Hopefully the tank.

/rocks in chair and chomps his pipe.

It was a more civilized age.

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Hahahahaha ty for that story. I love it. True af!