FFXIV Races are all Alliance Themed

Fair enough, but I mean it’s a game character. Doesn’t really matter if they look abnormally attractive or not. That being said, I do kind of wish the game allowed more creativity. I’d make a fat viera and name it Big Chungus for the memes.

End of the day, more people like attractive characters than unattractive. It’s why people prefer blood elves over Kul’tiran. So it’s a bit unlikely we’ll see other races, that and the game didn’t actually intend to add Viera or Hrothgar. They just did because people saw Fran in the Stormblood AR and demanded Viera which is why it’s an incomplete race. Then because they made Viera they had to bring back Ronso to shut up the FF11 players.

Ummm… ff14 is not WoW…

Only difference I can detect is the hunchback, which isn’t present on femWorgs and is heavily downplayed on FemTauren.

Both worgen and tauren have non-humanoid back legs, and tauren have hooves. Both also have proportions that are odd relative to typical humanoid races. Worgen also carry themselves very differently than normal humans, among other things. It’s a pile of little things like that.

The absolute worst offenders I think I’ve seen are Bethesda game beast races, which are literally just humans with a halloween mask pulled over the heads.


Exactly, that’s why Hrothgar are pretty eh to me.

Charr in GW2 are also very good, it’s a shame that game kind of dropped the ball sadly. What really sucks is the alpha/beta designs for the dragon folks were more draconic and bestial, and what we got were humans with something on their cheeks. Such a let down. It’s probably my biggest issue with Eastern MMOs and games in particular.

Ah, the digi vs planti debate. I actually prefer planti myself. I know, I’m one of the weird furries.

Yeah, I’m the same way. The only two monster races that really appeal to me are tauren and worgen (rip me being a horde mage) because to me, they draw a little bit on imagery and/or mythology that adds that little bit extra to them. Vulpera and pandaren don’t do it for me because they’re not really “feral,” just furry.

First thing I did when hrothgar came out was try to make him look more like a behemoth; it didn’t work out well. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think this is much of a spoiler, but just in case since it’s a Shadowbringers thing:

Hrothgar are biologically the same as Ronso, and some actually call themselves such. The only real difference is what they chose to name themselves, which differs based on the world they came from.

Lalafell would 100% be Horde. Whenever a Lalafell is born, God flips a coin.

They are extremely boring and one of the reasons I disliked it.

They all look like Humans with minor difference.

I think it’s also about which direction they designed from. Tauren and worgen are much closer to, “what if we took a bovine/wolf and made it bipedal” whereas vulpera and pandaren are closer to, “what if a human had fox/panda features”.

IDD with you, however I did see several mods to make some of the animal ones more ‘beastly’, so there’s that at least.

In Oblivion, Skyrim, and ESO this is true. In Morrowind it was not however. Their legs were different, they couldn’t wear helmets or shoes, and they walked funny.

At least the devs actually support the alliance there :joy:

I have issues with the proportions of some of the FFXIV races, where their heads look too small for their bodies (most prominent in the Elezen). I know WoW’s character models have exaggeratedly cartoony proportions themselves, but the small heads on FFXIV’s tall models look a bit sillier when the rest of the body is uniformly proportioned.

Edit: It also seems that most of the playable male FFXIV models have an hourglass chest-waist-hips figure O_o

But the vast majority of Horde, and players in general, are blood elves
So uh


…Yes it does? It’s just pointless to do so because you can literally play every class on a single character.

Basic Subscription only allows 1 character per server and up to 8 characters overall. Standard Subscription allows up to 8 characters per server and up to 50 characters overall.

Thank you to the staff member that restored this wholesome and fun post.


“I’ve never played FFXIV.” -Plagueghoul


but not really, I played the first patch once like 11 years ago.