FFXIV is only good for anime fans

God I love these threads, I can almost taste the copium.

Chef’s kiss


Good thing your opinion isn’t widely shared.

Was it final fantasy you were playing? Are you sure?

Ah, so you didn’t really level very far then. Imagine if someone rated WoW based on leveling 1 to 5, because that’s just what you done.

It’s fully customisable inside the game, if you aren’t any good at setting up hot bars that’s a you problem sweetie.

Nope, can’t stand anime.

Haven’t played a FF game since nine. That was quite a few years ago incase you’re wondering.

Who also make up most of the player base, used to here too, but see how WoW is going now? Also, there are raid guilds there, so… yeah, another item of fake news.

Agreed, but it’s too late, everyone already had alts leveled.

Good for you, do what you enjoy. But I assure you, XIV is getting huge now. Don’t believe it? Read the gaming news sometime. But hey, you probably think news is some kind of conspiracy.


They give nice weapons that look great if you like them, also drop boss materials eventually that you can farm and sell for a lot. They also drop a mount that eventually you collect 7 and get a grand mount. It’s more then enough to get people to do it.


Yup exactly my point, useless but at least its cute!

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Claims game is objectively bad

Gives only subjective reasons


Imagine thinking WoW isn’t also anime bs.


WoW has been more of a terrible shonen anime than it ever has been before right now.

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For some, no doubt.
For others, I did play it and was encouraged “just stick with it, it gets better!”
Stuck with it, got no better. I’d rather play BDO or ESO.

Uninstalled the game and unsubbed a month ago after “sticking with it.”

My weebie friends try to “tell me how I really feel” about FFXIV when I find it to be too “googly moogly cutesy wutesy uwu bunny and cat ears” for my liking.

It’s a perfect JRPG, and it’s also perfect for console players. It’s not a draw for me because of the power point nature of every fetch and kill quest. No amount of sparkly slashy things will make that feel any different.

“The community is great” because the community doesn’t talk as much as you might think. High tier pug groups are just as if not more awful than their wow counterparts.

I’d say the middle and beginner communities when they do talk in pugs are friendly.

It’s not this “bow down to the immortal Yoshi!” game, but it is pretty good if you do exactly the opposite of the other Final Fantasy games, skip all the cutscenes and go straight into playing, which some do.

Anime and Manga based games have always been “meh, second place” to comic or fantasy/comic cartoons for me. I like DCAMU cartoons better than just about any anime I’ve seen and DC Rebirth launch was far more exciting to me than JiuJitsu Kaisen or any other manga I’ve picked up.
I like all those medium, but comics will always be my favorite.

The fighting is not bad and you will notice that good point.

I just find too many things have the silly guilty gear slashy animation with the sparkles coming off of it and the races are bland to me and I get sick of “Catholic J-pop” music in instances.
They all kinda look the same except those silly little munchkins and the lion guys, not the cat ones. The big green dudes (Rogedyn or whatever) look like big gruff versions of everything else with a stretched face and body down to the cute wittle noses.

To me, WoW has more diverse character creation, a better story even with controversial writing directional changes as of late, and FFXIV is a newer game with “prettier” graphics.

Having said that, FFXIV should in theory if Blizz gets their **** together make WoW a better game as there is now actual competition and a lot of the numbers are on whether WoW players actually stick to their guns, which they usually do not, and about 2/3 come back. I wish them safe travels if they do go, but I will just stop playing MMO games.

Many will disagree with me, but If I care about that, I would not have posted. Cheers. :slight_smile:


FFXIV is doomed :frowning:

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I feel like there is a fair bit of variety in the music.

The devs are not capable of this I am afraid.

I preferred the recently ended DCAU style - the one that ended with Justice League Dark: Apokolips War. Such a shame that the writers and animators probably got bored with it, but rather end it with a bang than to continue it and risk ruining it.

I am not fond of the new style though.

Now sure what you mean with power point nature, many of the quests are fairly animated, but if npc characters are talking about certain characters in the past then they will talk over a picture of said characters.


I do not mind people simply not liking the game, it definitely is different from other MMORPGs as it actually has a coherent, creative and perfectly good story and lore.

I am just dismantling falsehoods and weird assumptions based on the game’s first 30 levels… and false representations of the game as well.

“I do not like this…” is vastly different from “This is…” The former is harder to argue against, while the latter can be torn apart - which is what I love doing. If people do not like that, stop making such statements.


Objectively speaking the game has been receiving rave reviews from all outlets due to everything that makes it whole.

Everyone has different subjective tastes, though.


That’s like saying, “WoW is only good for Tolkien fans” or “Doom is only good for metalheads” or “Spyro is only good for Pete the Dragon fans”. It just sounds like you don’t understand it.


I have active subscriptions to both WoW and FF XIV and I expect this to continue for the foreseeable future.

As far as I am concerned, FFXIV is superior in some areas, while WoW is superior in others. In my opinion, FF XIV has a better story, but WoW’s gameplay in general is far superior. But that’s just my personal opinion.

I play them both and I enjoy them both for what they are.

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I used to think so too.

But then I got gud in FFXIV.



That is just silly. The UI in WoW is infinitely customizable, for free. Not so the FF UI. Supporting addons was one of the best moves WoW made. You can pretty much have whatever UI you like in WoW. So, adding in the ability to support addons is, to me, one of the best features of WoW.

P.S. And means the UI comparison is valid. The WoW developers provided the means to customize the UI.

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Another big mistake the game makes, at least what I gather from the trailers I see FFXIV seems to be leaning towards the fantasy arc while tech is about WoW level except for a few mounts that seem to be just for pop culture reff alone.

One of the things I always liked about the FF genre was the blend of scifi and fantasy genres you were just as likely to see cars, planes and modern weapons, as you were to see magic, swords, and dragons.

I believe square Enix’s choice to focus more on the fantasy side was a waste of potential.

FFXIV has its “sci fi” elements.

FF started out as ultra high fantasy, and later some titles have had different genres mixed into it, ranged from Steampunk to sci-fi.

FFXIV is not really any different, with the Garlean Empire employing Star Cruisers, Robots, Guns. Heck, the Hrothgar have an entire honor guard based around the usage of guns and magically imbued bullets (The Gunbreaker) atleast that is their lore in FFXIV.

The allagans in FFXIV were the technological peak though, employing self-aware robots, cloning, high-tech plasma prisons.


I have no weird falsehoods or misconceptions.

I played it at launch. I played it through current and my son and cousin were like “stick with it.” I did… It is “meh.” I’ll never get that time of my life back.

I WANT to love it, but it prevents me from it by the very nature of how the game is.

The power point is something that stems from my military career, which FF cutscenes are structured as. Power points = Xanax.

Click click click click click click click click click, to go do a mindless fetch and kill.
The clicky clicky is STILL there, so let’s F/O with that one.

You’re just another in a long list of FFans that attempt to tell me how I feel about the game because I clearly must be misguided.

Catholic J pop. The most epic encounters in the game generally have the haunting choruses with guilty gear inspired guitars strings, layered voice bosses and our characters doing said guilty gear slashes ,so don’t give me this nonsense.

It would be far better time spent to play FFXIV for you than trying to defend your game on forums, yeah?
Personally, I find New World to be far better than FFXIV.

Anyone who has seen any bit of this game KNOWS that the fetch and kill power points exist, the j pop isn’t really a huge attack for me, just something I do not care for, and I’m sorry, I find the character creation options lacking.
The story can be COMPLETELY skipped up to the last expansion now for money because of how blah it is.
“You can completely skip all that!” Yeah I know.

“If I didn’t like it, why did I play through” is something you can ask me I suppose, but I tried it more for my son who loves it. I recently gave him the account, my gil, and said go nuts, take it apart, give all the gil to yourself because the sub runs out in a week.

Accept the fact that not everyone gets a rush from it, because based on what you said and your supposed “joy from picking apart things” (which you didn’t) seems to indicate it bothers you a little bit when people knock apparently “the LORD’s gift to gaming.”

There are some fun things, crafting is fun, some of the dungeons are fun… once or twice. The power loss from the lower level duty system is dumb.
There are so many more features I can be critical of than this post will allow.
Please, pick apart some more of my “this is” and " I don’t like" and attempt to tell me how to feel, predictably.

I could say the same to you in that regard “I feel” there is a variety of music, yet it’s not that various.
You’ve taken apart nothing, you’ve just given a word salad as to how I’m supposed to like the game because I didn’t do it the right way to like it. That must be it…

Not the thousands of hours of text I’ve waded through, the cutscenes to go into a cutscene, the constant fetch and kill, and others that are REAL and STILL CURRENT things.

You know damn well these things exist in fact and not feeling whether you admit it or not.
Are you here just until your sub runs out, or do you just pay 15 bucks for the forums? :stuck_out_tongue:

It has things that are unlikable, and any reasonable person knows it.

Also, there is one point I agree with you on… The last batch, the ones with Jerry O’Connell Superman and such were the best DC movies for me.

We can continue this until kingdom come, and will likely not change one another’s minds, but I didn’t seek to do this anyhow.

UwU! This is something I guess you can say I don’t like as opposed to this is ****.

It makes mods a separate freelance dev team! I like my addons as well.

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