FFXIV Endwalker

That doesn’t sound to bad…

I’ve seen peak times on Leviathan a bit higher, at about 7k in line. I think I waited for about an hour and my place had only moved down a few thousand so I just cancelled the que from there. Not gonna wait longer than that to play a video game. I’ve heard of the que reaching 17k on some of the bigger servers and SE is actually going to be increasing the que to 21k because they are reaching a point where players can’t even get into the que because it’s maxed out.

I’m probably just gonna give it a month or so to die down and then try again.

Having peak time login q’s of 1-2 minutes

It’s all good and game is great, much better than expected

Tip: You can right click on your character at launch screen and select a different world that has the lowest queue. It’s not your home world which means you cant use your retainers among a few other things but you can still play the game.

My server will hit over 2k during busy hours. Not super bad but it does take a while to get in.

People don’t wanna watch FFXIV streams right now because they don’t want spoilers. Also the log in queues tend to make it hard to actually get in and start streaming

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Prior to Endwalker release, everyone was saying that the game would dominate twitch viewership once it dropped. Now that’s its been released, all of a sudden you’re saying, "Nooo! It’s because people don’t want to get spoiled. " it’s been over a week now, everyone is finishing their story mode, and viewership still continues to drop. Whats the excuse now?

“All of a sudden” as if i ever said such a thing, in fact i never would have, and anyone who claimed it would had no sense of foresight.

FFXIV to begin with is not a very streamer friendly game. You’re either streaming the story, which people don’t want to be spoiled, or your streaming yourself farming content, which isn’t super exciting to watch.

I’m not sure why you’re using Twitch as an absolute metric to a game’s success either. The server queues are still extremely long all day, and it has shown no signs of letting up. People are trying to play the game, not watch it.


Will have to try that out! Thanks!

Citation Needed.

I tried it said, “Unable to visit world server at this time.”

= /

P.S. Just tried to log on at around 12 eastern on a sunday and the que was only 3k though so I think it’s getting smaller.

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Ya sorry, the other world servers are probably as congested as your home server.

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