FFXIV Endwalker Looks Incredible

Keiichi Okabe is the greatest gaming musician.

does the soundtrack Nier/Drakengard

Not having good chat channels does this.

There’s literally none. FC, Linkshells, /yell, that’s about it. But I do remember there being active chatter going around in the last zone in HW, so maybe you just need to get to the endgame to see it? idk.

You will always need to unlock dungeons via story, but it becomes less overwhelming about it after ARR. There were so many blue unlock quests in ARR that it felt like I would never get em done. Expansions going forward you just do the MSQ and it will unlock the dungeons. Trials, raids, and alliance raids all have their separate storylines that unlock those, too.

Keep trucking though. ARR, while having some great moments, was prolly the worst part of the game. The pacing is off, the dungeons are meh, and the combat is slow. All of that improves later on. Heh, and Shadowbringers is worth plugging through it all to get to. Not only is that one of my favourite MMO stories of all time, it’s darned near one of my favourite FF stories period.

I’m honestly passing over most of the optional unlocks. I’m already grossly over leveled. Might do them later. Unlocked dyes and glamours though. Real end game there.

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I could have left ARR a while ago. Like I said, I’m playing the game like the world’s biggest idiot in terms of spending my time, haha.

On the positive side, I won’t ever have to level another job from sub 50 again?

Good information to have, I’ve heard great things about the rest of the expansions. I will say ARR has not been a good experience but the crafting has kept me hooked, and I still want a house.

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Don’t worry dude, you’ll get that heroic Sire kill one day for sure!

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I’m playing the game, not investing in it!

They’re prepubescent fraternal twins, and the similarity between them reinforces that. It doesn’t have anything to do with anime and everything to do with story.

Who calls it that? It’s not even toxic. No one knows what they’re doing at first, but they learn as they go. That’s to be expected in any activity. Only in WoW do players feel entitled to play exclusively with experienced players. WoW is treated more like a job these days than like a game. Everyone wants to play with the top-performing professionals, and everyone else is cast aside because they’re not performing well enough and/or fast enough. FFXIV feels more like an actual game. You’re rewarded for doing well, but you’re not penalized during your attempts to learn and improve.

Well said. Your behavior in WoW is toxic, but I can’t blame you for it because the game has been rewarding you for it for years. You no longer treat it like a game. You treat it like a job, and you see your role as a manager at a toxic workplace who cuts underperformers so that the rest of his team has less work to do to succeed. That kind of environment is not conducive to a pleasant gaming experience.


Don’t hold your breath.

That little crown over your head gets you a ton of hate on the forums.

All i hear is about how “toxic” and off topic the novice network is(not in it so i can’t say), but i honestly don’t blame the off topic bit. There’s no freaking chat channels. Could stand a zone wide chat at least.

I still have no idea how to find a decent FC. My one on Excalibur i was in, i joined because a friend played in it. Now, i know no one. ><

“no it’s just another old mmo washed up only surviving cause the game industry sucks and bringing new and amazing stuff seems to be to hard.”

You’re talking about WoW right? I can’t tell


They’re called Linkshells. I’m wondering how you even got the crown on your head without knowing that.

And on top of that, if you’re in an active area (like Bozja) /yell and /shout typically have people chatting and looking for groups.

The number of hilarious conversations I’ve had in Diadem in the wee hours of the morning were via /shout. Some of the most fun I’ve had during dead queue hours just teasing and getting teased in there.

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Yet you’re playing a out dated mmo with crappy music, He-Man art style, and furries.


Dont have it mate.

And linkshells are invite only I thought?. I have no friends. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not hard to get an invite to a linkshell. There’s even a linkshell finder on the Lodestone web site. You run a search with the “Recruiting Only” box checked, DM a member asking for an invite, and you’re in:

Interesting. Need to upgrade to use them though. >< Haven’t bought the game yet. Probably tomorrow, I’m getting really close to some of the limits.