Ehm… ever considered it could be the culture over there as well? Also, during their development process, the devs were made to PLAY World of Warcraft and MMOs in order to have an idea of what to do.
Everyone in their office, working on that game, etc. - has PLAYED World of Warcraft.
Basically. Notice how he’s not insulting Blizzard or anything like that.
Most the FFXIV people I’ve met in that game have been very welcoming to what they call WoW Refugees. It’s a significant population over there now. For them, it’s not a matter of, “YEAH, BLIZZARD IS DYING!” it’s a matter of, “Welcome to the game, let us teach you a bit and help you get started.”
Their design motto is even: “If you get bored of playing and quit, that’s fine. You can come back and play at any time.” - Literally nobody over there cares if you play another MMO or anything.
Yoshi is longtime WoW and Diablo fan, he’s looking forward to Diablo 4.
This is what makes a good game director, playing games, knowing what people enjoy.
Vibe I get from Ion is raidlogging mythic raid and doing IRL stuff. I feel like he’s tired of video games. But that’s just my speculation, maybe I’m wrong, maybe he’s blasting some game.
Yeah, this is supposed to be a somewhat positive thread. I mean, you can have your beliefs on what he’s saying, but let’s not try to turn some much needed positivity into negativity.
Look at my post history. You’ll see I have a LOT of complaints with the game. I don’t wanna bring those here right now.