FFXIV awaits

To get prepared and try out FFXIV. Oceanic servers are coming shortly after the expansion launch :australia: (or might be slightly before considering population is overloaded right now!)

Now is the time to try it out and leave this sinking ship.

If you’re looking to get into the game it has a free trial until level 60 (current cap is 80) and will give you loads of content to get into.

Ideal servers for us (they go by data center so you can only do things with people on that data center!) Tonberry (JP) Kujata (JP) Adamantoise (NA) Behemoth (NA)

Come join us in the FFXIV OCE Community Discord: https://discord.gg/yFys7aQ

EDIT: inb4 this gets moved again to the off-topic forum that literally no one reads…

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Does it have Battlegrounds ?

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11 human priest on a WoW forum pandering for FFXIV? What’s new?
You do realise you have to be subbed to post here, right?


Just my forum toon :crazy_face: