FFA WPVP suggestion

my dream in wow is that we can have a free pvp where we all kill each other including those of the same faction, this would make world pvp really exciting.

I wanted to suggest that you think about this or apply weekend events for example, where we can hit all of the same faction, keep in mind that the pve becomes monotonous over time, the mechanics are the same and the metric is always The same, but open world pvp is fun and always brings new experiences where each one is different and quite addictive, especially if we don’t do it for very good rewards, but rather for fun, which is the basis of the game.

one way to apply it I think would be with an NPC that marks you as a “murderer” so to speak and that with this debuff you can go around the world doing pvp free of factions and that others can hit you, just imagine that a group of 10 assassins start to wreak havoc in the open world and the other players of the alliance and the horde can go together to liberate these territories from the threat? or even join them!!


I’d love something like this. I’ve suggested it in a previous thread I made recently, introducing a Criminal/Outlaw system.

Becoming a criminal or outlaw would make you hostile to all players except those in your party or those that share the same guild. Criminals or outlaws would be treated as enemies in their own faction hubs or cities and they would only be safe in neutral cities such as Dalaran, Oribos, Booty Bay, Gadgetzan, etc. You would not receive a War Mode bonus for being a criminal or outlaw since you aren’t part of a faction. In order to clear your outlaw or criminal status, you have to pay honor or gold.

I’d love to see something like this introduced, especially now that we’re back to being the adventurers on Azeroth.


x2 i did mi first post in shadowlands maybe after first patch since i had a problem where a horde was grieffing my pulls in anderweld and i’ve logged with my alliance in the same realm and whoala!!! my alliance was in another layer, this happened almost 80% of the times making imposible for me to get rid of that guy.

I felt that the layers were inclined to a single faction and not something balanced between 50 and 50, thing that makes 0 sense, and this would help grouping with alliance friends if you’re horde, become a non- faction and play together, also you could kill non-faction people who are not in your group, this is 100 FFA!

Love the ideas here…a 3rd faction is IMO the BEST WAY to balance any sort of faction imbalance due to server population distribution and sharding.

If players can join a 3rd outlaw/criminal whatever type of faction, and you have 3 factions essentially vying for 1 central resource in a wPvP map/activity, then you eliminate most imbalances due to 1 faction dominating the other for a prolonged period of time.

GW2’s philosophy for WvWvW with 3 factions was on the right track, and WoW should try this too

I miss Timeless Isle.

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