Is just automata, but it’s really good pretty much like a sequel so far more than a crossover.
They’re effeminate and cute?
But for real you know what they’re saying, even if they aren’t as versed in the lingo of the weeb as you are.
I wouldn’t say it’s better than WoW, but it does have it’s advantages over WoW.
Alts aren’t a thing, every character can play every Class or Job as they are called in FF14. Professions are super important in the game, and pretty much another class or job. They have their own mechanics, crafting, etc.
Of course, not being a FF fan also plays a lot if you like it or not. I’m not a huge FF fan, but FF14 being an MMO I have actively tried to get into. The difference being with WoW is that I have yet to convince my friends to try it with me. (That’s my personal experience though)
The free trial is argue-ably one of the best out there, you can level every job up to level 35 for completely free as you only have the starter edition to my knowledge.
TL;DR FF14 is a better RPG than WoW, But IMO WoW is a better MMO due to it’s age and it’s many iterations.
Doubt many folks miss his chin taking up the screen though As for final fantasy. Not played that game since the days of nintendo in the 80’s lol.
So far, just Automata.
It’s a three-part raid series, and only the first part is available right now. Chances are it will remain exclusively related to Automata, but a tie-in to the other NieR games isn’t completely out of the question.
And just to answer the obvious question – The 2B outfit is already available, and dyeable.
And anyone can wear it, without alteration. ANYONE.
You are pretty ignorant if think that is how you consider anime is, do you spend your days watching romance anime aimed to girl?
Yes, it is ignorant. Thats the point, to ignore it.
Only things I like about FF14 was how Samurai played as a class (Called a Job in FFXIV) and the story.
I can talk about all the positives about FFXIV but I can also comment on the negatives and would love to explain that. Nevertheless, I play FFXIV because it gives me what WoW refuses to give after 5 years now.
Same reason as people love wow.
They enjoy it. Its fun.
Ok, lol!
Then play goofy cartoon games instead. If you haven’t realised by now then let me spill the beans for you. Anime is NOW the current trend and will be forever, even your favourite game WoW is becoming more like anime. Just see the art of wow and also the infamous game Overwatch, it’s actually anime game also…
“I’m gonna call someone out and then do exactly the same thing”
Hahahahahaha no.
Mostly the Community… frankly, everything else that gets talked about re: FFXIV is overrated, including the story. Story is good, once you get to Heaven’s Ward. Until then… meh, pretty standard MMO story. For context, that’s the first 50 levels though. It’s a pretty long grind to get to actual good content.
I resub once expansion - to play through the patch content of the previous expac, and the content of the new one. Happy to give them my money for that, it’s worth it.
the crossover? there was one for Monster Hunter too… a bit lore breaking event but quite fun… monster hunter players got to fight Ifrit in a “classic MMO” way requiring tanking and dedicated healer (although at some point people learn to face roll it xD) and I think FFXIV got to fight Rathalos (and got a pretty cool mount)
Pointing out that someone is making an unsupported claim is not the same as making an unsupported claim. Clearly, my claim is supported by the words you wrote.
Also, saying “but you did it tooo!”, even if it was true, says nothing about your original claim, other than that your only response is to attack the person who points out you have an unsupported claim.
It’s a lot like WoW, but it’s not WoW, so people who are fed up with whatever pet issue on WoW go play FFXIV and feel the need to proclaim to the world how amazing it is, even though it’s basically the same thing.
That said, it’s a decent game. It has pros and cons, but it’s a decent game.
- I think it has notably better Class Design than WoW.
- But I think WoW has a much more enjoyable pace of combat.
- I think it has better (and much MUCH more) story than WoW.
- But it’s totally mandatory and much of it is literally traveling for dialogue. Those who like to skip quest text will hate this.
- I think it has better character customization, like most MMOs vs WoW.
- But WoW has more racial diversity. FFXIV is very much a “pick your flavor of Human” MMO. Plus the big furry boys, I guess.
- FFXIV has a very deterministic gearing system, similar to Cata-era WoW Currencies.
- But it does this at the cost of drops from actual content (barring their equivalent to Mythic Raiding) being almost entirely meaningless.
- FFXIV has passable Player/Guild Housing. Nothing groundbreaking, but pretty good.
- But it’s hindered by a totally bogus limited real estate system that encourages literal botting to the point where it’s impossible to own property without doing it on some of the higher pop realms.
And so on and so forth. I enjoy the game, but, for like 2 months a year or something. Any more than that and I stop having fun with it.
If you ever try it, fair warning that both the combat and the story are pretty awful early on. Both get better. I think the upcoming patch is revamping the base game’s main story quests though, so it should get rid of some of the filler at least.
Calling FFXIV (or any number of other MMOs made by Eastern developers) an “Anime MMORPG” is one of the biggest misconceptions there is, IMO.
It’s heavily stylized and it has flashy ability graphics / animations.
But it’s not “anime”. Not even close.
ffxiv has a vibe that reminds me more of old school mmos. larger focus on travel, collecting, and being a part of the world. slower cast times give me a nostalgic feeling of days of the past.
thats it for me. not enough to get me to shift from wow, but theres something about it i occasionally crave
- INFINITELY better community - very little toxicity, and everyone is pretty friendly / willing to help
- More interesting combat system, but not too different from WoW.
- Player housing
- Your character can play any class. If you want to play a tank, just switch to that gear set. Each class is leveled independently (with exception of scholar / summoner).
- Flying isn’t time gated - it is effort gated
- Dungeons are always relevant (when you queue, you play at the level range of the dungeon)
- Classes are more balanced than in WoW
- No PvP focus, but there are some battlegrounds if you want to do them.
- Much more frequent content updates
- Dungeons and raids are more engaging / complex
- Story is amazing
- No damage meters (you can get them if you REALLY want, but it is probably one of the big reasons there is little toxicity / elitism)
… I could go on and on.
Personal Opinion!
It has a story that is, well, one unending story, and is updated every 3 months, where WoW has huge amounts of content droughts quite regularly and it’s story telling has been… how to put it… not the best in quite a bit?
Crafting actually feels fun and interactive outside of “press 1 button and get item” (not talking max level as there is actually macros you can use, if you do the math/take the time to sim or trial and error yourself, just knowing that you miss procs doing this)
One character can do everything.
Direction for what to do in the game is actually quite obvious instead of being all over the place, as they don’t really remove content (outside limited events) so even a new player can do quests from the very beginning and side quests all the same since day 1.
Their “version” of looking for raid (24 mans on there) actually aren’t a bore and are fun, outside of the weird scaling from the base game/first raid.
I like having bag space for your gear, 35 slots for each piece of gear, makes it extremely lovely with carrying all dif types of gear for your classes/jobs.
And my last part is having retainers! I like being able to have them get me materials for crafting or stuff just to sell that I’m too lazy to go get
It’s a decent game, one big problem is the engine though, feels really scuffed compared to how smooth and fluid WoW is.
If they had a better engine and tick rate it would be A+
in my opinion what xiv has over wow:
a much better, more engrossing story. you’re actually involved, and don’t just stand around while the important npcs have their big boy conversations. you start from being a nobody and become a somebody over the course of the story.
much better soundtrack. i can remember maybe 1 or 2 songs that aren’t the stormwind and orgrimmar themes whereas almost every track in xiv is a bop. bosses have unique music. not that wow’s music is bad, it’s just not very memorable at all to me. this video goes into more detail about wow’s music being so unmemorable.
better design philosophy. whereas blizzard attempts to reinvent the wheel every expansion with artifact weapons, azerite armor & essences and corruptions, square doesn’t try to fix what isn’t broken. class balance is much better as a result. you really can’t go wrong with any of them, and pugging is much better as a result. if you get turned away in xiv, it’s most likely because of your role rather than your class. most people run comps of 2 melee, and 1 ranged physical or 1 ranged caster class. you aren’t going to get turned away because you play a specific class, which is a problem i see a lot with people having a hard time pugging stuff as a certain class. whereas blizzard seems to balance classes like this:
however wow has a few things i like better than xiv:
better transmog system. in xiv, you’re basically given a closet where you can stuff all of your weapons and armor for use as cosmetics, with the caveat that it only has about 300 slots.
pvp: the pvp in wow, as much of an unbalanced mess as it is now with corruptions and vers stacking, battlegrounds and arenas beat the brains out of xiv’s current pvp offerings. whereas wow was designed with both PVP and PVE in mind, the PVP in xiv was more or less an afterthought and clumsily implemented
server infrastructure and other technical stuff. maybe around patch 8.1 or 8.1.5 they implemented multi-core threading into wow and since then it’s just run like a dream for me. likewise, wow has way better server infrastructure compared to xiv. i live on the east coast and i’ve never had issues like lag or anything in wow, but in xiv, it can be a bit noticeable at times because of how you’re supposed to keep the GCD turning for your rotation, leading to sometimes clipping gcds.
better questing. this might seem strange given how i said i liked xiv’s storytelling better, but, the quests in it don’t really do much overall for the story. in wow, each zone has its own small set of stories to tell which can be good. i loved the arathi and hillsbrad questlines on horde. probably one of the best i’ve played in wow.