FF14 NA servers are maxed out

The OPs intentions are to antagonize people. And really most of the people making FF14 is better posts because otherwise they would make suggestion topics of how to improve the game.


If it were so much better they would be too immersed to post in Wow forum. FFX14 sucks so that rather than admit their mistake, they want us all to take the same fatal plunge to save face. Quote from The good, the bad and the ugly: “If you’re gonna shoot
shoot. Don’t talk about it.”


I formally congratulate anyone, who is playing any game they enjoy playing.



I’m actually not on FF14 yet. Nice try though.

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Oh thank god.

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Heh, touché.

With the way things are going for Blizzard, they’re on a death spiral. I have little faith in them coming back from this.

It looks like you’re not even playing retail though

How many are? The forums are more fun than the game so for those of us who unsubbed but still have time, it’s more of a game than the actual game. It sure beats korthia rares lol.

What does the server status of ffx14 have to do with the development of world of Warcraft?


Not true at all.

Orcs look like Orcs.

And BE are not 90% or the population lol.

Man you people are something else.

Does your favorite streamer tell you what toilet paper to buy?

Its amazing FF14 has been out for over 10 years and people all of a sudden think its the greatest.

Mmmmmmmmmm sound like sheep to me or a cult follower.

I’m tired of doing that. If this dev team has proven anything its that they are either absolutely deaf to player concerns or they are antagonistic to them.


I mean, you can in PVP, but in PVE they execute from top to bottom, and it wouldn’t really be worth it anyway with how the GCD works. I have never used cast sequence macros in WoW, I just use my keybinds. So swapping to a new MMO doesn’t feel like torture because I’m not reliant on macros and add-ons.

Nice strawman. Running out of ammo I see.


If Asmongold told people to buy a brand of toilet paper the next day all the shelves will be empty of that brand the next day.

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People played ARR in year 1 of 2.0, found it lacking, have come back to discover that heavens ward, stormblood, and shadowbringers were S, B, and A tier expansions that pretty much most MMO players missed out on.

ARR was way better than 1.0 but it wasn’t good enough.


It’s because gamers assume they have to be “loud” to get heard by any developer. They try and justify that it’s right to do so because “they’re being ignored”. It’s part of the outrage culture of gaming in general.

People would very likely never say the things they say about developers to their faces IRL as they would online. And that’s when you know you’re trapped in an echo chamber.

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They ban players for criticizing them.

WoW is definitely not known for its graphics so your point doesnt make much sense


:woman_shrugging: I didn’t make the topic, but I do find the difference in how FFXIV’s game director communicates with the public vs WoW’s game director to be of interest.


I’m not surprised, I’ve been playing FFXIV for first time for last 4 days, I have to say I hated it at first, but after I got used to it it’s really fun. I only play Classic/TBC classic, BFA was last retail expansion. At any rate, doesn’t hurt to try it since it’s free, only 37GB DL. These are some of things I liked/noticed:

  • Switch between classes/jobs on same character (no real need for alts)
  • auto learn new spells (jobs at 30 require a quest every 5 levels)
  • 100% drop rate on mob items (don’t have to kill 30 npcs)
  • auto loot killed npcs
  • very good tutorial/learning system
  • quests to teach you emotes/armor/inventory
  • Can level mostly through MSQ (Main Story Quests) which sometimes are dungeons, not really necessary to do tons of side quests
  • Fates (similar to WQ) can be done by any level and get rewards due to scaling, same with dungeons
  • Allows customization of initial mount (chocobo) through bard outfits (3 pieces)
  • Companion (chocobo) fights with you as a healer/tank/dps and provides extra storage
  • see all upcoming spells
  • “Confirm” keybind auto selects npcs, interacts with them same button, completes quests
  • Aethernet to move around cities easier, also teleport to go back to major aethernet hubs for any class
  • dungeon boss fights challenging even at lower levels
  • quest popups are more like dialog than long quests reads
  • Armory chest for storing gear (35 slots for EACH piece, i.e. hands/head/etc)
  • 4 Bags for normal Items
  • Separate bag for quest items
  • outside of dungeons mobs pulls generally only result in 1-2 npcs
  • vendors warn buyers if they can’t equip armor
  • Health regen faster (no eating/drinking)
  • Fates (like mini world events that multiple nearby people can participate in, just walk up to them), even high levels
  • UI scaling for high resolution displays (150%,250%,etc)
  • Ability to warp back to levelquest (world quest) NPC
  • Ability to have 4 different HUD layouts, easy to move UI elements around without additional addon
  • Hall of Novice to teach dungeon techniques (avoiding AOE, targetting to avoid aggro, etc) and get nice upgrade gear for completing
  • Better map system, easier to find shops without addons
  • Housing (purchase your own, rent)
  • Advanced Party Finder (limit by exact roles/classes, item level)
  • All food increases EXP by 3%
  • Ring increases by 30% under level 30
  • Very good story with a lot of nice cutscenes

My take is it seems to be more friendly towards casual players than WoW. If you do lots of guild activities or have lots of friends in WoW you probably wouldn’t see benefit in moving.