FF14 NA servers are maxed out

I tried it several times. I got pretty far along. Played maybe 2 months. Tried some dungeons, that weird mushroom raid.

Quit, tried it again several years later. It’s just a horrible weird game. The extremely slow GCs is intolerable.

Not for me.

I really can’t take the art style, kitty girls skipping around and the weird little girl things. Lalafels

It’s just creepy to me.

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Sorry, I can not get into FF14. It doesn’t appeal to me nor do I find it fun to play.


Are all better games in my opinion.

Seriously don’t understand the hype for this game, its boring to me.

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If you haven’t gotten to the first expansion (I already know that you probably haven’t even hit level 30, let alone 50), then you haven’t really tried it.

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Rift is basically a Glorified Single player now. I can log on Rift now and it be a giant Ghost Town.

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Get higher than level 10.


Nah, its boring and a text grind, you can keep it.

Game is better off not having players like that, anyways. It’s their loss moreso than the game.


Rift controls are better then FF14 in my opinion.

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Clinging to a burning ship I see. It’s your funeral.


No I got my escape. It’s just not FF14.

I got SWTOR, STO, And yes Rift…

Maby Rift can make a comeback.

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Lol, man you FF14 fans get mad when people don’t like your game so silly. :joy:


Nah, just happy the game is better off not having players who won’t play beyond level 10. :yum:


Your loss. You won’t understand why everyone else loves it without trying it.

Imagine having a story mode that rivals single player RPG games. Mounts and transmogs galore. People just genuinely having a good time. Meeting up and having concerts, parties or even a beach bbq together. There is even a class dedicated to single player content. And professions are always relevant.



FF14s combat reminds me a lot of Aion online with everything being built around combos.

I DLed it and played it. Was meh like all the other startup games. It felt robotic and not immersive at all. If you enjoy it, have at it. I didn’t like it at all. It gets a 3/10. :-1:

While wow realms are emptier every day.
Probably not a coincidence :thinking:


Well it happens when the game is boring.

1st impressions are everything and if I have to get past the 1st expansion just to enjoy the game then no thanks.

The controls of the game is what bothers me plus you cannot make macros like you do in WOW.

We get upset because we finally opened our eyes to an experience that is such a breath of fresh air and we want you to be able to experience that as well. Please understand that it comes from a place of good.


this is basically me atm. getting close to KSM, and maxing out the knowledge for sockets and its basically unsub time.

as i keep saying to peeps on discord, i do my boring chores on wow and then log in to FF to actually have fun. they all keep saying " why not just have the fun all of the time instead of doing chores ". its getting harder and harder to answer that question every day.

blizz has just designed this game into an RNG skinner box of boring tasks to make spreadsheets look good, and have completely forgotten to make a fun game along the way.

this has been a long time coming.


Hey now, those are lies, Shadowlands is the best expansion ever.