FF14 NA servers are maxed out

Just do preformatted text.


I don’t see a confirmation, Yoshida wasn’t even able to clarify at the moment of the interview. It seems Shadowlands had some cut ultimates though, due to them wanting to focus mostly on Endwalker as it had already been delayed for longer than they wanted.

Yoshida wants to release 2 ultimates for Endwalker, but of course, that does not sound very certain. It seems the team is instead focusing on developing features that are enjoyed by the playerbase as a whole, rather than features enjoyed by a minority of the playerbase.

We will need to see how the launch goes. As it looks unlikely that they will be able to expand the servers much before EW release date, and with right now being a content drought it will be interesting to see how they handle this. Loads of FF vets will be returning to the game for the new expansion and there is very good cause for concern that the servers will be able to handle it.

We saw how mad people get when TBC launched and the servers HD some issues for a few hours. What will happen if Ff servers struggle for the first few weeks?

If I remember correctly, Ultimates give tokens which can be used to buy special gear. But it is true, the ultimates themselves does not drop the gear.

I doubt it’ll take 3 months to get the upgrades in place. Yes, it’ll take longer than expected, but not 3 months. I am sure they’ll get a handle on it beforehand, which may infact be much better for them.

Same as with any mmorpg expansion release, people get a little bit mad, will keep trying to log in only to fail until they are finally in, and then sigh out in frustration when disconnected but then try to log in again.


They will only be able to fix it if the chip shortage worldwide is fixed before November. That’s not even taking into account how long it will take the company to put that hardware into place and get it functioning. That seems like a tall task to fix in two and a half months

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They can’t release their expansion without having upgrades and additional servers added.

They came from Everquest.

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If blizzard would put world of warcraft on console with a cross play option then Wow would be alot more full as well.

But do they even realize that that’s where they’re at? They have glowing quarterly shareholder meetings, never once indicating a need to pivot, and they certainly never tell us anything.

I want this game to get better, but man, if they don’t acknowledge the problem it never will.

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Triggers me? What a weird response. Id be annoyed if people were coming to GD talking about New World or Ashes of Creation or Minecraft - GD is there to discuss THIS game. Final Fantasy has its own forums, why does anyone need to come here and make a basically pointless post about it?

Sure, if you make a post discussing various changes that might benefit WoW and show how those ideas are handled in other games, thats a fair discussion. But posts like this? They are made, as far as I can see, just to incite people and cause arguments.

I dont care either way if FF14 is fabulous, if you and others enjoy it, thats fine.

But as you see, the community moderators feel its inappropriate because its already been shifted to the Off-Topic forums. Where it should have been in the first place.

Edit: sorry for a 7 day necro, thought somebody else have posted on here a few days ago at least. :kissing:

Already played it for a bit, didn’t think it was for me because i got bored of it.

Well that’s not controlling and authoritarian at all especially since the implication you set for people like you as the “parents”… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t think you understand this is pretty ironic on what you say, that it speaks more on you then it does to the people you’re speaking to, which by the by, are old enough to make their own decisions and decide on what they like or dislike what ever they please. :confused:

So what? The person got bored or hated it before they got to whatever arbitrary point you want them to get at. They did give it a try. Why people like you are trying to enforce rules on this one game here? :man_shrugging:

Gonna have a tough time rivaling Dragonage Origins and The Witcher 3. I can at least stand to play more then just a passing glance with these games then really any Final Fanasty game i’ve played.

I would say Skyrim with mods, but that will feel like bringing a PC to a console war. It wouldn’t even be a fight. :laughing:

…Actually why are you making this comparison? I mean MMO single-player stories aren’t really anything better then in comparison to actual single-player RPG’s where they have way more tools at their disposal to create a better story to play and immerse yourself into. :thinking:

And some people are simply telling you “No, i’m good. I prefer WoW”. Any reason you just can’t accept that people genuinely like WoW?..

When you’re telling people who haven’t reached an arbitrary point you want them to reach then they haven’t really tried it in your mind, then i don’t think you should be surprised that people are doubting you on that.

And this is well negates your “it comes from a place of good” phrase. You can drop the fake positivity my guy now. I mean you’re kind of doing the opposite and making FF14 look bad to people. If he likes WoW, that’s not denial… :confused:

Kind of funny you mention humans because isn’t FF14 races the least diverse race lineup here?.. I mean one of them is just a human with animal ears really.