FF14 NA servers are maxed out

Nah, no need for that. FFXIV is a great game with and without and worth playing regardless, unlike WoW.

However, Yoshida have expressed a desire to make an upgrade to the graphics and even engine. It is just a huge undertaking and they haven’t been able to put a team to work on that, while also doing Endwalker.

The new surge of players and this income, hopefully means that Yoshida can negotiate for a larger budget for the game, and thus they can hire more developers for the game and possibly a team to make the upgrades.

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Troll Face over a Decade 2011-2021 - YouTube

This thread.

FF14’s design is very much inspired by vanilla WoW to Catalysm WoW. It is basically WoW but with a Final Fantasy skin thrown at it.

Thing is though, the FF14 devs have taken vanilla WoW as a template and improved upon it, rather than directly copying it.

It has other limitation because it being available on consoles too, which is a shame.

I did try ESO once, the microtransactions are sadly too egregious for me to play it. I also do not like models they use, look a little too stiff. All the numbers are also just way too confusing and too high for me to even grasp. I do not understand why it have to be so high.

GW2 I remember playing back when it released. I actually played it for quite awhile but back then WoW still had a hold on me. I faintly remember why I quite, and I think it had to do with their dynamic quest systems absolutely disappointing me. Not just annoyingly disappoint, but frustratingly disappoint me. I expected much more, such as map-wide dynamic events that could go one way or the other depending on victory or failure. Smaller events which would change a smaller location somewhat depending on victory or failure. It was none of that, it was just what World of Warcraft’s world quests ended up being.

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The data doesn’t lie, even in it’s sad state WoW’s numbers absolutely shred FF14. Yeah a lot of people are jumping ship but it isn’t the doomsday situation you wanted it to be. Not yet anyway.

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Rock bottom floor is how every system of theirs starts. They’re comfortable there, unfortunately.

Its interesting to note that Square Enix also has claims against it of staff being badly treated. While its Great Leader seems to be loved, it seems that all is not golden in the FF world.

It gets a mention on wowhead when they talk about the current issues with ABliz,

" This all too common story has been repeated at Riot Games, Square Enix, Electronic Arts, and several other major developers, proving a systemic issue across the industry, rather than contained within one studio."


Mistreated game developer staff is a constant in the game developement world.

A combination of a lack of will to fight from the developer’s side, a refusal to make a cojoined effort to support studios who actually treat their staff right by the gaming audience - and the rising of microtransactions which makes such efforts redundant because all that is needed for profit, is a handful of addicts that’ll spend 1k dollars a month on microtransactions.

There is also an anti-union sentiment, making it harder for game developers to actually do something about it, and even if they quit they are immediately replaced by the next naive developer.

I have reached the conclusion that this fight is not for the gaming audience to deal with, this is a fight that has to be fought by the mistreated themselves, the rest of us can not help those who do not want to be helped.

I just saw that mount. Its literally hideous.


FFXIV is a fun game. It caters to the casual side of MMO players and that’s why a lot of people like it. There are a lot of non raid and dungeon content that is enjoyable.

I find it hilarious how any problems that the game does have (which is also many) always gets glossed over and the players just state but they are trying their best.

Housing is absolutely busted. One couple has 28 houses in that game well the majority of the community have zero. Botting for houses is a real problem that has not been fixed.

Maxed out servers and not being able to create new characters on certain servers.

Lots of speculation that end walker had a lot of content cut for various reasons, including ultimate fights for the new expansion.

Completely going against the lore of the game to add male and female races that do not go along with the lore at all.

Adding crucial in game raid bosses as store mounts. Imagine a raid tiers mythic mount instead of dropping off the final boss was purchasable through the store.

It’s a great game, but it also has its own issues that no one seems to like to acknowledge

It is in fact what WoW used to be when WoW was big. A MMORPG that catered to the casual people, no wonder WoW started losing it’s players.

Because some of the problems you listed and stupid and very recent.

Getting a house is hard, yes. It is easy to get an apartment though.

This is a very recent problem and is a result of an, understandabl, unexpected surge of new players. There was no way to foresee the huge amount of players that suddenly swarmed to FFXIV, seeing as FFXIV currently is undergoing its own content draught. Numbers were expected to rise on Endwalker’s release, and there were plans for server upgrades and capacity increase at that time.

However, with the new surge of players these plans have been hastened, however, due to the global situation with covid, it have been hard to get hands on the necessary systems to upgrade servers - Yoshida thoroughly explained the situation.

Speculation, really?

There is no going against the lore, really. Just sensible addition. I mean, really, male Viera tend to live in the outskirts of viera-protected forests, away from the villages, while the females are confined to the villages and nearby forest areas. For what gender exactly would it make most sense to start wandering the world? Exactly, not the females.

As for Hrothgar, there are females, it has a matriarchal society - females exist.

Imagine only giving reskins as in game mounts, while all the unique and far more awesome looking mounts are in the store.

Microtransactions suck regardless, but atleast FFXIV actually rewards you decently for playing the game.

It is not exactly because people “gloss over” the problems. It is just that some people make the problems out to be more than what they are.

But it’s not just speculation. It’s confirmed in an interview ultimate fights have been cut from end walker. It’s on SE forums as well. Easy to google. It won’t let me copy the link into my post or I would.

There is an entire thread on this topic on the SE forums. Also threads of players being very nervous for endwalker. Did you play the last couple of seasonal events? Not exactly up to the standard of previous years. Almost like covid is affecting the quality of the game, which people seem to be understanding of.

Not many people seem to give blizzard that same benefit of the doubt, and I get why. Just funny to read how perfect people think FFXiV is.

I play both games and enjoy them for different reasons. Raiding and dungeon content is much superior in wow, casual activities is much better in FF

That is what was said in June and July.

i guess they didnt see any of this coming?

if you have a business and there’s a lineup in front you better find a way to let them in :wink:

did they think it wouldn’t last so they didnt try n adjust?

Well that is easy for you …after all one digital dragon is no different from, another. However for us RPers we are the ones who are honestly terrified and feel like we have no place left to go.

The free trial is very favorable.
I still have it active. shrug.

Final fantasy is a lot like WoW classic was - tons of tourists.

I do not know … what about us RPers.

I don’t think it’s just tourists. The funny thing is everyone is upset about “the grind” of wow. It’s more because the higher end grind is skill based to get the best gear. Everyone can clear all content in FF except ultimate which has no gear anyways.

The total time spent to get a new character from 1 to max and raid ready is significantly higher in FF. It’s atleast 80 hours of just straight MSQ row even reach max level in FF.

In wow, I can max a toon and be raid ready in half that time.

Since March the daily average steam players has been going up. This is no longer a “let us see how it is after free trials are gone” situation. Also (like I said) people have been saying “let’s see how it is in a month” for months now.

Well the sad thing is its the RPers who will be the ones left out in the cold.

How many of those streamers RP?

its comical how much it triggers you that FF14 is so popular, it even dominates the WOW forums.

FF14 is incredible. I even get que times if i try to log in at 6 am server time.

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