FF14 is NOT the better "RPG" imho

Is a different game, in FF the magical feeling comes when you confront a very significant antagonist

You are not supposed to feel special, the “special” people are lore characters, you are just a disposable soldier, a warrior of justice or some weakling thing… I just want to exterminate mages :frowning:

Going by your reply I’d say XIV isn’t the game for you. By all means, stay in WoW. Enjoy your game, but for goodness sakes calm down about XIV, it is another game, more people play it than this one, who cares? (apart from you for some reason) Did you really need to make a post about it?
I could pick at your reply and we could have a rather one sided debate, but at the end of the day, it wont change anything and people will still leave this game for XIV.

Now lets discuss how Mario is not as good as WoW :3

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He would be the video game version of Chuck Norris. WoW would fear Mario!

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Speaking about recycle intro… isn’t that pretty much what Blizzard is doing now because it’s easier?.. all new players have to do Exile Reach atleast once before being able to do the original starter zone on a Alt (if they even bother)…

Allied Races don’t even have a starter zone, they basically get dropped off in the capital.

I don’t know seems the same really :man_shrugging:t4:.


You’re saying in the original post that starting a new toon using all of the different races in FF14 is nothing special that they lack depth


But then you follow it up by saying there is basically nothing special about starting in Mulgore as a Tauren…


So I’ll ask again, are you sure you meant to say there is NO magical feeling of starting off in Mulgore?

You really trying to defend WoW’s story as thought provoking?



I would also just like to add, FF has the Namazu and they may have became my favorite npc race in the game. Essentially just a less rabid, slightly smarter, talking murloc.

I loved that the game had a Namazu mask I could grind for, along with a frog suit which I’m sure you guys have probably seen a few people wearing them in FF. Dyed the suit gray and I got to raid while essentially looking like FF’s murloc.

Just like that frog suit, it’s stupid but it’s fun. That guy, I think it’s in Legion, wearing that murloc suit. I remember the first time I saw that and I wished the players could have gotten something like that for transmog.

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I mean, the only people pretending it’s a flawless shining beacon are the trolls.

Anyone on these forums who’s actually played it, and I mean played it not tried it for 5 minutes and been like “omg this is so terrible and not wow I hate it”, rolls there eyes and readily admits FFXIV has lots. Lots of flaws. Many different kinds of flaws.

I mean, to be fair belts didn’t do anything but give stats. You could remove them, allocate their stats to other pieces and not replace the lost inventory slots for them and lose absolutely nothing from the game.

I mean, some of the fate mobs are quite dangerous when synced down to the level of the fate and you’re playing solo. Typical mobs and the mobs in most fates are pretty face roll, but so are WoWs.

I mean, that doesn’t make them not dangerous to the solo player. WoW’s “elite” world mobs are just as zergable.

I mean… did you skip the part where it has you select your starting class? Cause it seems like you skipped the part where it has you select your starting class.


Wow an Rpg? We playing the same game?


I’m a fan of the Final Fantasy series itself even before FF 14.

And I say, Classic WoW is more of an RPG than FF 14 will ever be.

I’ve played both and my preference is Warcraft mostly due to the lore and being able to play an “evil” faction like the Horde.

Though I feel FF14 has a more welcoming power base than the fraying ends Warcraft keeps knotting itself into as it limps from patch to patch or expansion to expansion.

why is this post hidden as if it’s some kind of troll?

I agree that many who are touting FFXIV as the next coming of christ in comparison to WoW are being a bit hyperbolic at best. There is a lot of purposeful denial on their part just so that they can’t jump on the WoW hate train just so that they can be a part of the Kool Kid gang.


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Ngl I miss 99% of things people say because I dont look at chat. Having this green new sprout going on constantly doesnt help either.

Do you ever wonder why our main backpack never increased in size? Adding the 4 extra slots was already the biggest pain engine wise for WoW and the reason we’ll never get more.

Heh. So their first stab lasts longer than all of WoW’s iterations on character design…

I like that a FF14 character model can identifiable look annoyed with an eyebrow movement.

You won’t see that with WoW’s character models.

I’m new to FF14, but like the poster above describing the jilted WOW player needing something to laud, bitter WOW die-hards need something other than their own rotting world at which to cast their bile.

TL-DR; What’s good for the goose…


Squnenix isn’t exactly better then Blizzard either. Heck, one might argue that they only listen and communicate because there is money to be made off of that.

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It’s definitely better than wow right now.


So you only have a surface level understanding of the overarching narrative. Got it. FFXIV probably won’t appeal to someone that only gives a story the most shallow display of attention.


All i know is I ran several dungeons last night as DPS with queues of less then a minute in SWTOR. No tank or even healer needed and it was still fun…hic!

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