FF14 is NOT the better "RPG" imho

You… can’t be serious lol.
WoW isn’t even an RPG anymore… it’s just an mmo.

This must be an early April fools joke :rofl:


this. you literally can make your own music or stand in the middle of the square and say “and here’s wonderwall” and start playing it


If OP was comparing stories between WoW and a colouring book, then yeah I could see their point.

But hey this is just another hysterical WoW player shilling because they’re scared of the big bad other game. Seriously, WoW players make more threads about that game than anyone else.


You learn the cultures along the way as a part of the story more than anything. Mainly because your character is more or less a Deus Ex Machina in the grand scheme of things.

Heck, there’s also a lot of side content that explores culture of each race if you pursue it.

Plus you can’t really say that WoW races have more depth than XIV when the Vulpera background is literally a blank slate.


final fantasy may as well be the definitive RPG franchise. spanning multiple decades with high quality and revolutionary graphics, cinematics and a huge following. especially final fantasy 7


??? you can’t be serious. This is just not true, certainly not if we’re comparing WoW classic and FF14 because then it’s even more absurd. There are not dangerous mobs, and there are not “zone events” as you describe unless you have taken to a very colorful interpretation of the small fate circles/hunting party stuff which is not nearly as dangerous as you describe. Both mentioned get zerged to death easily.

That’s actually one of the biggest flaws FF14 has, due to the fact that the content gets burned through so very quickly and because there’s no real gearing incentive due to it not affecting anything that really matters (and the gearing in general being bland, see previous post for explanation as to why) such as pvp, FC’s (guilds) are often unstable and fall apart easily because of people quitting left and right and treating it more like a singleplayer game, only coming back for a little while when theres a new patch for more story

Your entire post screams of being an example of FF14 fanboys that can’t take criticism at all actually, the fanbase of FF14 has a reputation regarding this.

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They do not need more specs
In WoW you do because we are fixed to a single class, but in FF? Just switch to another archer/caster class and you can perform what you wanted to do. Is like having 10 specs at once.

vOid eLf
Void goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr
Depth and meaningful lore to justify not giving Alliance the highborne… nice


*Final Fantasy 6-7 Fanboy

Ignorance is not criticism

Start the game, go to an area close to lvl 22 scorpions when doing quest for archer or just wait in an area until invasions of you level occur.

I… do not know of any WoW area in Legion/BFA/Shadowlands that can’t be zerged too?

The biggest criticism of WoW right now is that it is too automated and there is no sense of community…

You gear your character and you are done for most of the expansion
You get a group in discord/FC to get raid mounts and stuff and you done too
You do not need a “subscribe for 6 months for the false promise of content and to get stuff now that you will lose forever if you do not do it now, sorry if you have a busy life”

They are so horrible… being satisfied with their satisfying game instead of being mad people unsatisfied with a game they want to be good but is actually maintained by greedy goblins…


Just want to point out that this doesn’t exist for new players anymore.

Happy Shadowlandsing! :upside_down_face:


Ah the old “it’s intended to be barebones” argument. Yes i’ve heard that one before. I’m sorry but there’s a difference between them not minding that you quit and come back later and much of the gameplay and systems in place just being very lacking. There’s very little MMO and RPG to FFXIV beyond the story interaction. It’s all very bland, pretty and with good music but bland behind that glamour. You won’t ever have crafting affect the gameplay to where you escape a high level player with the use of rocket boots or a handy parachute for example, the open world is just not open world at all in FFXIV and there’s very little reason to go out of the cities.

They can’t even add full races, they have to do it halfway because “budget” or “engine limitations” and this argument comes back again and again. Viera and Hrothgar still can’t even wear hats, for example, beside the fact that they can only be male for Hrothgar or female for Viera.

WoW has some good lore… which is steeped in how many decades of writing within the universe? Not really a fair comparison as FF has always been about introducing new worlds with every game.

I actually agree with you about races. WoW has lots of them and they have more flavor with racial abilities and whatnot. Too bad the model and animation quality is so inconsistent.

As far as danger in the world, your PvP points aside, FF14 is more dangerous. There’s no scaling and (especially if you’re a squishy class) you need to be careful about what you pull and use your CC. In WoW my health hardly ever moves at all while I’m leveling.

We’re gonna have to agree to disagree on the storytelling, as that’s subjective. I feel that WoW hasn’t had good writing in several xpacs now. I would say I agree with you about the class system, but Blizzard tends to just let some specs rot in the gutter so it tends to defeat the purpose.

Aside from a few interesting races I honestly feel that overall WoW is just bad at being an RPG period. To say FF is better at it is like saying I’m better at being tall than Wee Man

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Wow copied lots of stuff from other mmos and they from it.
Each also has it’s own flavor.

Personally GW2 has more options for talents than just cookie cutter. There are at least 8-10 builds vs class that are fotm but many many more beyond that, that are harder to play bit excell. Granted the story sucks. Mounts better than wow implementation wise.

Swtor has the better story with a mimicky gimmicky playstyle etc. More story choices and makes you feel a part of your character.

Everquest is a dinosaur that wow got a lot of great ideas off of. Nothing against them, it’s fair game to take a good idea and make it better.

Wow does all these better all around. Nothing excellent now days compared to wotlk but they keep ahead enough. Sure they could do much better.

What could* make FF or GW2 better games could simply be the more receptive less toxic community at the most. But that is nothing the dev’s can control, at least not without an iron fist which could hamper their game.

Again this is also all opinionated and all of them could suck and ESO is the best etc. Personally I loved wildstar (rip) and rift which is also almost dead, they had awesome housing and rift class choice build wildstar corny toony action and smooth gameplay.

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wow is just a kill sim that adds a couple cutscenes to advance the “story”. Blizzard’s main story is a joke and everything you do and everything that you have done is usually involves credit being taken from you and given to an NPC stand in or a faction leader. There is no real progression of your character in the story. Ever.


I’d question what you were doing if you played wow looking for a story rich experience. From the very first that it was released it did not have a “main story” just raids and bosses that came about in a lore-rich setting doing nefarious stuff. Real plots did not start forming until BC and then wotlk, but it’s always not been its main focus. The main focus has always been the MMO, the gameplay/classes and how they interact with pve and pvp, and getting good/interesting gear together or playing against other players with said gear. Imo that’s more important than a story, a story is something you burn through and then it’s done, that’s more for singleplayer RPGs. The gameplay is what matters for the long time after that.

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Haha I have a few max level toons there, but its always the same pattern for me:

I make a toon - get it up to max in about a month or less, and then look around and say “Eh… this game needs a few more years.” I’ve literally done this 3 times. But its been a few years since my last time! I’m thinking about trying it again… but idk. I love WoW.

You should stay in WOW, you belong here.


Is Blizzard using FOMO and Artificial Virtual Scarcity in order to make money and maintain people subscribed during content draughts or not?
Let’s not act like they retired the brutosaur because it was actually going extinct because you know they did it to get people to spam buy tokens

On the other hand, you seriously have to take a look at FF14 content updates, they are designed to provide you with stuff to complete, it feels like that, it looks like that, and plays like that, is satisfying.
In WoW on the other hand “hey guys, we introduced 3 things you will love to have but it will go away in the next patch, hurry up, FOMO TRAIN! SHU! SHU!!!”
I said this a someone who has expend hundreds of dollars in gold to get that stuff for daring to be a collectionist… and had to give up on a lot of stuff because I can’t with all of that (rip Mage Tower, my fault for starting late Legion content)
But not get me wrong, is just not that kind of stuff, but also the system meant to trap you into a vicious cycle were it only benefits Blizzard at your detriment if you want anything done (Azerite and Anima, heck, in FF14 getting 500k score in the 8 professions for the Pteranodon mount seems less punishing if you do it in 2 week compared to getting enough anima for any set that you want, is disgusting)

Was that… not the point?
Also housing and raiding

You can make your own gear with crafting professions and it can compete with high level gear even in some cases, which is not the case for WoW for the exception of legendaries and that would be “cheating” because ordinary profession gear is useless.

Final Fantasy 14 is a RPG MMO, is like all FF games but with more players, it has a different origin than WoW (FF14 is more RPG than WoW)
The only way it would be more like WoW (like an open world thing) is if it had taken from Final Fantasy 15… which is much more recent and do not represent the legacy of the Final Fantasy series.

That’s what a proper RPG with Massive playerbase looks like, heck, is just like that pokemon MMO… is just an RPG, but with MMO characteristics (many players in a nutshell but still just a RPG)

I saw that
But then we have to ask ourselves… “and?”
Final Fantasy never was about multiple playable races, is not WoW. The conflict relies on the plot/personal experience, not your racial identity, it should be seen as just a cosmetic.
Is like wanting Aliens and Zombies in a shooter game dedicated to submerge you in realistic historical wars, on a series dedicated to that.
It could be added but… is not necessary like you think it is.

I love troll lore, that’s why I started WoW, otherwise I would have continued in SC2.
But mostly because I roleplay with myself… WoW lore suffers for a single reason:
Lack of evil faction
WoW is a EverQuest substitute, that game had a evil and neutral faction. In WoW the evil faction role, even today, is played by horde, but Blizzard want to play nice so Horde is also good. This has created a lot of holes in several expansions… like Garrosh and Sylvanas becoming the main enemy.
Without that internal lore conflict of interest (interest of having players on a perceived good faction they can identify as, and interest in having an antagonist in the lore) the lore could be so much better.

Not all MMOs are equal
Some dedicate more to PvP
Others to PvE
Other to Lore
Others to Open World
FF14 has PvE and Lore covered. Plus, it has retained the community sense, even as “singleplayer” as you can describe it, it is in its golden age just like how WoW vanilla was in the past, thanks to the community sense.
I’m a PvP guy, and I’m willing to just dedicate to lore/raid in FF14 because is that good (dungeons are as poop as WoW’s but well, at least I can do it with AI to level my other jobs)

Gameplay in WoW this expact is going backward if you use more than one spec or even alt


Definitely not scared! It’s just, look at it this way.

-Booted up WoW for first time-
“Oh man… should I choose Alliance or Horde? What’s the difference? What do they believe in? Ah man. This is exciting. I’ll choose a Tauren Shaman. WOW! Their zone is beautiful.” tries for awhile “Okay, that was cool. Let me try out Worgen Warrior. WOW, their zone is very murky and dark. What’s this about a curse? What’s going on? Horde are attacking them!? Why? I must know more!” Gets to some good ol questing etc.

-Boots up FF14 for the first time-
“Okay sweet, I like these races. Hm, guess it doesn’t matter which one I choose, so I’ll choose this one I like. Wait… what’s with these classes? Where’s Samurai?.. Gladiator? Birth dates?.. um. Okay, let me try this one. Not sure what I’m really choosing though.” Gets in game, finds out I’m a monk or something “Huh? Okay. Let me try a different race.” Gets in game, same exact intro, no difference, find out I’m another random class “HUH?”

True stories btw. Idk, just my experience so far and I honestly am surprised cause I was new to WoW back in Cataclysm days and I definitely still felt the magic instantly. There’s something really exciting about seeing all the different WoW races with racials, background zone screens, and lore descriptions really showing you they have an identity, culture, and something that makes them stand out uniquely in the world from the get go.

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Hmmm…did you actually mean to say “there is NO magical feeling”? :man_facepalming:


You didn’t get a magical feeling logging into a night elf the first time?

Idk, I’ll never forget the feeling I first was checking out the different races in WoW.

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