FF14 is just a fad. Nothing more

I have to laugh at that, because my experience would be the definition of “opposite” in the dictionary. I’ve found FF14 community to be amazing. Kicks for minor errors happen all the time in WoW. I have never seen it happen in FF14. And have you checked out the FF14 forums? Plenty of constructive criticism there.

Personally, I’ve loved the FF14 story. WoW is a dumpster fire in comparison.


Say what you want. I played FF14 for 2 years. Did all kind of content. Got kicked for nothing by jerks, though I was always humble and eager to “learn”. Read the forum and posted quite a lot on it. So I know, have been actually been there. Try to convince something else. As Danny Glover said, I’m too old for that… nonsense.

I think getting kicked for stupid things happens in both games, however, I do think that the community is more eager to help in FFXIV than WoW. This is probably because the roulette ques force high level players into lower-level content to help new players get up to speed (think dungeon finder for WoW). The higher level player is rewarded with tomes (currency for gear) and a first-time bonus for anyone running the “duty” for the first time. Whether it’s forced or not, this does make the community more eager to help newcomers.


I give my reasons for why I said it was old but I can see why I was confusing. It isn’t isn’t game but the design of ARR that is old. Every city is as instanced as Silvermoon. The quests are trash in ARR, I went over my points. This said, I knew ARR would suck since everyone commented on that fact and I am excited for the next xpacs after it.

Bots are hilarious. WoW has Warden. FF14 has nothing.

Limsa is cool for cat girls I suppose but it is a le city anyone could build pretty fast. The interiors are nice - that isn’t what I am talking about. I am talking about the exteriors. The empty, uncluttered streets. The level design improves later but it lame in ARR.

ARR’s plot isn’t awful. It just has cheese writing. And I don’t mind the cheesecake (damn the devs are thirsty!) but no character really hooked me. That said, I like the overall plot and look at ARR as the poorly paced first act setting up a much better story.

I haven’t had an awful time with the community but they are zealots. Do not critize their game. Jeesh. When you say nice things or ask questions, they are so friendly. Running dungeons with the sprout over my head was great. I love their compliment system - REWARD GOOD BEHAVIOR! (please steal this WoW). But there are lots of eye rolls and scoffs if you dislike something on their forum or message board. They are fiercely loyal with thin skin in my experience. Having played MMOs since Ultima Online it is sort of nice to see that fierce loyalty, actually. Haven’t seen that with WoW (for good reason) in a long time.

Just because the main cities are instanced doesn’t make them old. It is just a different style of design.

In general, the side quests in FFXIV are not great. The main scenario quest is good, however. I would say it’s the flip-side with WoW. They have better “side-quests”, and different stories going on all over the world, but their main quest is not great after WotLK.

It’s not style, it is tech limit. The amount of polys and overall LOD of FF14 means they can’t support true open world. It’ll take a few years for any MMO to have true open world with this level of art, it just sucks. I say old because it is like old games (EQ, DAoC, etc).

As for quests are trash, yeah, that’s me being a jerk. They aren’t trash. I’m overall done with quests in MMOs period. WoW does a slightly better job, imo, but I agree that FF14 has a better story overall. I do like WoW’s lore more, though, well, until the end of Legion. Having read all the books and been a lore nerd in general, I was pissed when they did Kil’jaeden dirty by making him suddenly sympathetic and a wimp.

Only 50k Twitch viewers on their supposed BIGGEST expansion release… LOL

inb4 coping. "tHeY jUsT dOnT wANT tO bE spoiled :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

It isn’t live, it is early access.

I’m not sure why you’d be happy about FF14 failing, though. Competition is good for WoW. We need Blizzard devs to sweat this game or else they’ll not improve.


Pretty much everyone who wants to / is going to play it has already pre-ordered the early access. Don’t delude yourself.

Haha. I don’t understand you’re hatred for FF14. But I pre-ordered and I’m not playing until after work. Same goes for my friends.


Yeh, less viewers because people want to actually play the expansion rather than watch the expansion. Shocking. I’ve been in game the last few hours and each zone I’ve been in has tons of people chatting, doing the MSQ, exploring, etc. Each questgiver is just a ball of people with a NPC in it.

Game is plenty healthy.

I would still be playing but after a few hours, I just need sleep.

I have no idea why it’s so important to you that a game not do well. It’s not healthy. You can have multiple thriving MMOs out at any given time. It’s okay, I promise. 0_o

Okay seriously though… sleep now.


I don’t think OP realizes FF14 has been around for 10 years now. Its just the fact that the dumpster fire that is WoW has just gotten so bad that people are migrating.


More of a reason than in FFXIV but yes, most of the time there’s no true important reason other than grinding a particular item or mount or just sightseeing but at least it actually does actually have an open world.

yeah yeah. heard all of these excuses several times from several different people for several different games throughout the years. “nO OnE iS waTCHinG iT bEcAuSe thEy’Re tOo bUsY pLaYiNg”. It’s hilarious and also gets old the amount of times I see this. New World had over 1million viewers on Twitch when everyone was trying it out. Now the New World section of Twitch is practically dead. I guess by your logic, that must mean there’s tons more people playing it now than ever before, right? :roll_eyes:

It’s not my “logic”, it’s my personal experience. I play FF14 daily. I have to fight the queue to get on, daily. The zones are full of people and chatter, and the queues for things like dungeons are quick. So why do I care who is watching the game and how many of them there are, when inside the game it’s full of people and life? Game could be dead on Twitch for all I care, so long as there are people in the game itself.

I can’t say anything as to New World, since I have not, and do not intend to play it.

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I suppose the zones would seem full when the game only has a fraction of the amount of servers wow has.

What does it matter if the world is “open” if there is still no content.

The reason the FF14 login has been having an issue is that each crystal has a 17K cap on people queued to log into the game. That alone means there are 3 x17k just in the US servers. WAITING to play the game on most given days during prime time. They finally got rid of the crash issue and are working on getting more servers up as the long term solution, but with the semiconductor shortage acquiring servers is problematic.

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Square CS is the worst in history. If you get a game breaking bug, it’s best to just ask the community. CS has no clue, nor any desire to help.

Not sure what it’s like in EU/Japan but NA is the worst.