FF14 fad didn't last long

New World hit FF14 pretty hard.

Already down -10% on player population plus the other -21% last month. That basically erased all of the streamer hype boost. Will the expansion be able to save it now if everyone’s attention is focused on New World instead?

1000% rent free lmao

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All of the worst sort, the moonguard guys, are who funneled into ffxiv this summer.

ffxiv already had all the alliance players who left in disgust back in cata-wod.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Meanwhile, you can’t create a character even during off hours on most FF servers because they’re still full…please stop using Steam data that practically nobody in FF14 actually uses to play the game as your metric lol


Not even MG just the population of Goldshire.

The WoW servers are back to their normal numbers to so I guess either wow is getting new players or some of the old ones are coming back

that’s just limsa.

all of the colorful, sourpuss moonguard guys funneled into the raiding scene in ffxiv too.

What are normal numbers? I’ve never seen so few people online and I play on a “full” server. I also doubt a 17 year-old game is getting many new players.


Well you are on a wow classic server everyone has gone to BC.

I play on an Alliance heavy server and I see like 10 people in Stormwind.

I’ve never seen it so empty.

Many people are already at the level cap in New World and are realizing it’s beyond shallow.

There’s no progression once you hit the cap. Nothing to do. PvP is very clunky.

You do realize that people are purchasing FF14 on other sites than Steam?

I’ve bought it from their website. Therefore, my purchase and playing of the game isn’t helping Steam numbers go up.

I created my character…a lowly level 1 archer. I went into the first small town and was immediately surrounded by at least 30 other low level players.

This was a few minutes ago. At 11:30 PM, MST, USA.

It’s almost midnight and there’s more low level toons in FF14, than there are all toons in Stormwind.


I play on one of the lowest populated servers in FFXIV. I have a queue at 12:30PM EST today.

Edit: oh this is a necro lmao.

Quality is more important than quantity

Also if anything is going to kill both games it is the new Warhammer Online game.

A few people can still speak confirmation bias. It’s funny how people pretend those things don’t happen in WoW - even outside of MG, completely ignore that WoW has far more furry races, continue to assume short race=child, or somehow pull up these magical percentages and think one little area or server=the entire game.

I’ve been playing that game since 2015 and I have yet to even run into any ERP requests, and I’m wearing a “cute” and revealing glamour/mog on Balmung. For every person that discovered some, who knows how many more managed to dodge it as well. I didn’t even know the game was that busy with it, vs WoW where I’ve gotten whisper requests since vanilla. So such activities would barely put a dent as every MMO I’ve played to date had some in it.

In spite of all the ERP, not only has FF’s population been increasing even prior to the WoW exodus, pre-orders for their next expansion have also nearly doubled from their current one, since the time of this article’s date:

From a certain perspective, you can be right about quality over quantity: WoW has to deal with the behavior of meta and DPS junkies, rage quitters, the treatment of new players and those trying out new roles, and the general vitriol people has towards another for the slightest of mistakes in a run. IMO, these things would hurt a game more than a little ERP since PvE is a much bigger space, as those are some of the things I’ve seen people say in GD they’ve quit over. People’s ignore list is maxed out and they’re calling for Blizz to provide more tools and active moderation.


Are you really linking a Game Journalist site as a “Unbiased Source”.

Besides in the end it does not matter anyway while we are fighting with eachother Warhammer Return of Reckoning is in a prime position to take WoW FFXIV and New World out of the running.

Just simply reporting what is, is hardly biased. I can add a couple more sources saying the same, including the devs themselves trying to prep servers for the incoming influx.

I’m willing to try out Warhammer, since I haven’t played any of them but heard a lot about the IP. We certainly need new MMOs in the space that’ll kick the competition around and get them in gear. The pre-existing formulas are getting rather stale.

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Game journalism tends to be very biased in that there was sacandal involving it a while back.

Good for you I think a lack of competition caused a lot of damage to WoW and if WoW goes under that fate may befall FFXIV next.

I don’t think Warhammer will remove 29 million players from any game.

240,000 players

Over 240,000 players have registered for Return of Reckoning, but its server population typically hovers around 800 during the peak European hours and has a limit of 1,500. There are enough people to find allies and enemies, though they’re clustered around the high and low levels.
Jul 29, 2019

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