I’m not looking to leave wow at all.
I still love this game and don’t plan on quitting.
I’m far from being on that boat.
That said…
On FF what is the closest I can get to being a disc priest? That’s my spec on here and so would like to try something similar there.
For all the praise that the game gets, it never once explains the classes to the players.
So im hoping for some assistance.
Once again, not a leaving for FF thread as I plan on being with wow for a long time to come
Astrologian? I have no clue, I mostly play a tank and get bashed in the face constantly by bosses the size of buildings.
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I have no clue either haha
The creation screen give fantasy ideas but nothing for how it plays.
From what I understand from Google the 3 choices it gives you have more choices later on that they don’t tell you when you make the character lol
A Sheilds healer there actually adding another one called sage in the next expansion but I think astrology is the one. You unlock it later tho so I would get used to healing by going white mage first
What is the starting option for white mage?
Sorry if that’s a total noob question.
I remember there being 3 choices but I don’t recall what.
I think I went on track for it
Conjured is the starting class it cna be both summoner and white mage when it hits 30 so I’d look up where the white mage quests is and head over there
Probably scholar. Starting job is Arcanist. It’s fairly shield-centric and has a weaker PW:B on a 30 second cd, but there are also some extra mechanics attached to the job too.
Fairy passive healing with some cooldowns on it, Aetherflow for some neat abilities like one that can expand a beefy crit shield to the rest of the party, 3 minute raidwide dps CD on a single target.
All of the healer dps rotations are mostly identical though, just main nuke and a dot to maintain, with a spam AOE. Scholar’s AOE is point blank and instant, WHM has a cast time attached to it but stuns (with DR), and Astrologian is cast time but ranged.
Quick adjustment - Conjurer leads only to White Mage.
It’s Arcanist that leads to 2 different classes at 30: Summoner (DPS) and Scholar (Healer).
You can pick up Conjurer in Gridania, and Arcanist in Limsa Lominsa.
Scholar relies mostly on shields and HoT healing. I find it a mix between Disc Priest and Resto Druid. White Mage is more like Holy Priest to me. I’ve never played the Astrologian that some others have brought up, so I’m not sure on that one.
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Astrologian Until EW this fall then sage.
If i were to be a betting man it may actually be Sage since Astro wont be a shield healer anymore in Endwalker and Sage pretty much suggests in its trailer it will be a DPS shield healer.
me 8 hours before i started ff14, is this feeling dwindling? lolol
You can actually choose to play as Arcanist, but the problem with that is that you begin as a DPS class because the main Job path for Arcanist is Summoner. However, you can take a different Job unlock quest at 30 to unlock the Scholar class, which is the pet-based shield healer.
At the start, however, Conjurer is the only healing class available and that eventually becomes White Mage.
Astrologian cannot be unlocked until you’ve started Heavensward, because the unlock quest is in Ishgard.
The Healing classes in FF are Whitemage which is kinda like a holy priest. Scholar which does have damage shields and a heal/buff pet. Astrologian which is an odd one where you have your normal heals but you also have a tarot deck that provides random buffs that you can use right away or pocket for later. If by disc you mean DPS + bubbles then Scholar would be the closest just hope you like fairies.
Scholar is the closest atm to a disc priest equivalent. Your heals create shields. There’s no ‘dps converts to heals’ baked into the class, though (but all healer specs can and do damage in fights).
As some above said, Astrologian has 2 ways it can heal - one creates shields, the other creates HPS.
Both are a lot of fun.