Ff 14 honestly doesn't look that appealing to me

Just creating an account is infuriating. I had to create a Squareenix account and then I had to create another account and click on the Moogle thing. I just gave up at that point. Simply creating an account to play a game shouldn’t be that hard. I was going to try the free trial to see if it was worth the hype and honestly by viewing gameplay there’s literally NOTHING about Ff14 that sounds more appealing then this game and I am NO fan of current World of Warcraft. I’m just saying if you think Asmongold and Bellular saying Ff14 is better and believe it like I did keep dreaming. In addition to that you have to play up to level 50 which takes awhile for the game to actually get interesting and at current the game is confusing as hell with regards to where you get placed/expansions etc. A big criticism I have about WoW is the cash shop so what does Ff have? yep another huge cash shop. Its just another AAA game.

Another FF14 thread? More FF spam?


So don’t reply and move on. Play the game then sit on a forum - if the game is so good.


Ive actually been surprised that the people who hate wow’s cash shop and are praising ff aren’t even talking about ff’s cash shop.
I dont mind wow having mounts and pets and the Sprite Darter tranmog in the shop.


I bought that s- the day it came out.

Imma buy all dem store mogs, watch me.

I don’t support it, but I’ll buy it. I’ll buy it all.


You have your Square Enix account and then you have the one dedicated to FFXIV.

It’s not that hard to figure out.

You haven’t played it.

Not really. It’s a pretty linear game.

If you’re going to not play a game because of a cash shop then I highly recommend you dropping video games as a hobby.

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Oh wow LOOK EVERYBODY, another ff post


Blizzard sells gold which can be used to buy boosts for in game gear.


The races didn’t look appealing to me. I was getting ready to play, but one look at the races made me glad I play WoW.


Whats with the FF spam all across the forums can you post in one of the other ones?

Couldn’t this opinion have been added to a current FF14 thread?


It not a crime to play 2 games at the same time. I just seem to be having more fun in FF14 since most of the devs for Wow seem to be permanently out to lunch when it comes to making Wow or maybe they want it to die so they don’t have to deal with the vocal minority making demands all the time.


I play wow and am aware !

The filter is working.

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Their developers have respect for their customers, which is huge.

You can play all classes/specs on a single character. You can teleport to their version of “flight points”. There’s way less of an rng loot casino when it comes to gearing.

There’s a ton better in ffxiv compared to wow.

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Is FF devs paying you epic gear in FF to spam wow GD about FF?

Well then take all of your FF thread spamming buddies with you and stop coming here to take a poop in the forums about it.

How do you know who here loves, hates, or is indifferent to wows cash shop?

I love it when people make such statements to rally likes yet fail at the absolute basics.

I had said, “the people who hate wow’s cash shop and are praising ff.” No where did i say this person or that. ONLY the people who:
*hate wow’s cash shop

  • praise FF
    I never said this or that person hates or likes the shop, other than me not having an issue with wow’s shop. Im not trying to get likes, are you?