Few bugs or just new mechanics we are not aware of? (Warlock)

I don’t know if someone has talk about this, but I’ve seen a few “bugs” or at least things that are not intended happening in the game. I’ve noticed 3 different things while playing my warlock and it seems it hasnt been fixed.

  1. Healthstone: tooltip says “Use: Instantly restores 45% health”. I read somewhere that it was % on health base without armor on. This makes the healthstone pretty much useless unless used with Soulburn. I don’t think it should work that way. I tested with a new warlock, at lvl 16 while having 706 HP healthstone only restored 91 HP. Really lame.

  2. Pandemic talent on affliction tree spec. I’ve noticed that while I don’t use this talent, drain soul still refreshes Unestable Affliction on the target on PvP and on PvE situations alike. This should be look into.

  3. Anti-magic Shield from DKs cleanse UA. I’ve noticed that once I put UA on a dk and he uses AMS, my Unstable Affliction gets cleansed with no healer around, nothing that could dispell it, I’m pretty sure that should not be the case. I leveled a DK to 85 and there is not talent that makes AMS to cleans magic effects, not of my knowledge at least.

These 3 things are something that should be look up, warlock, as weak as it is on this xpac is far more weak thanks to these. I would like to know if it is intented that way or not.


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Doing a test, removing all my armor I have 428HP, so healthstone should heal at least 192.6 or 193HP, not 91 HP, still its healing is far less. Tooltip should be change since the real heal is like 21%~.

Warlock has 3 viable dps specs and demo is one of the strongest in the game.

Warlocks are also benefiting from a bug that makes Glyph of Felhunter increase Shadow Bite damage by 20%. They should actually be weaker than they are.

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I believe the AMS bug is that spells that would refresh UA during AMS like Fel Flame or execute range DS instead clear it off the DK. It doesn’t remove an existing UA that is not refreshed.

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Thanks for the info guys, should have mentioned its regarding PvP scenarios mostly. Also checking the healthstone issue with my main warlock, it heals almost 45% of HP without armor. It heals exactly 42%. Maybe my maths are wrong, anyway that still concerns me.