Festival of the Farstriders: Thank you

Update: this event has already taken place. By my count, over 40 characters were there to celebrate the Return of the Farstriders after months spent patrolling the borders of Quel’Thalas, in what we hope to become an annual springtime event.

Following is the original post and thread. Big thank you to those from The Farstrider Network community for helping to co-plan and co-lead this event. Couldn’t have done it without all of you.

Greetings, sind’orei, and friends and allies of Quel’Thalas.

The Farstriders make up one tier of the governing body of Quel’Thalas, and as brave fighters, these elves patrol and defend our borders (and beyond) against outside threats. They sacrifice an easy, comfortable life in the city to keep our land safe, day in and day out.

Once a year, on the Spring Equinox or soon after, many of them return home to Farstrider Retreat for a little R&R. And when they do, citizens Silvermoon City and all over the Eversong Woods come to greet and honor them (I’m making this part up to invent a new, annual Blood Elf holiday lol).

This week, we will celebrate the first ever annual Festival of the Farstriders on WrA.

There will be two ways to participate:

  • As a Farstrider, returning home for some R&R;

  • As a citizen/ally of Quel’Thalas, come to celebrate and honour those brave Farstriders who keep our borders safe.

Saturday April 18th at 5:00pm (ST)

Proposed schedule:

  • 5:00pm: Farstrider characters assemble in Fairbreeze Village

  • 5:20pm: Farstriders begin mounted (Hawkstriders) procession to Farstrider Retreat/citizens of Silvermoon begin to assemble outside Farstrider Retreat.

  • 5:30pm: Arrival of Farstriders at Farstrider Retreat

  • 5:40pm: Official welcome address by Captain Telirine Hearthold (tentative)?

  • 5:45pm: Beginning of feast (we will need tables for this).

  • 6:00pm: Drinks (kegs?) are served (5 minute address by a guild leader?)

  • 6:25pm: A thank you speech (Ranger-Captain Asharri Lakefire, Farstrider Network);

  • 6:30pm: Fireworks display (enchanted arrows launched by archers?)

This schedule was worked out with members of the Farstrider Network discord community. Big thanks to them for all their help!



The Sunreavers, I am sure, would love to attend as citizens/allies of Silvermoon. I would add this to our guild calendar once a date is set.

Oh boy! An event for Farstriders!

But… but I’m exiled D:

Discrimination against voidstriders, Fal’therin says no

:stuck_out_tongue: I’m kidding, have fun you guys!

Had a member within the Farstrider Network share this thread in our discord, and this definitely sounds cool! So I see interest within the network already. As for me personally, it really just depends on the date this is being held. I can’t really attend events on weekdays unfortunately, so if it’s a weekend event, I would love to join and possibly help out with. Asharri here is a Ranger-Captain within the Farstriders, so I definitely see her there.

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Do Fridays work as a weekend date, or would you really rather it be a Saturday? Cuz both work for me for sure…

Fridays and Saturdays are both do-able! But of course, if more folks have schedule conflicts and something else works better for the majority, I completely understand and would be happy just to see screenshots of a fun event!

Heck no! As the person who brought about the Fartstrider Network (which I still have to join :stuck_out_tongue: ) you HAVE to be there. And I dare say, you should have the honor of making one of the speeches, should you be so inclined.

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Yes, we still have to get you in! Sorry we keep missing each other. I tried sending some in-game mail back out to try again and posting in the community channel, but I think we might be playing tag. xD

Anywho, we are listed on the server forum pin made my Shaysinn that has a link to our discord there! Would love to speak more about getting an awesome event like this together.

Yay, I joined!

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Giving this thread some love this afternoon.:heart: Don’t want it to get lost in the shuffle. An event like this sounds way cool and WILL be way cool.

I love this <3 Farstrider RP hella hard. One thing I did as an experiment and built upon it, was a sort of Hunt. I went from a daily event to a weekend event. I intended the rework for night elves, but I can revisit Farstriders again! It has its own roll system and set of rewards so you get stuff for yourself and your character in development :slight_smile:

I definitely would love to figure out the dates so I don’t overlap. Perhaps even work together and build a team to keep these events reoccurring :muscle:

That could be great! Have you thought about joining the Farstrider Network discord channel? It’s getting a lot of traction…

At the moment, it isn’t for me but ty for the recommendation! I did have my own project a while back that I can share with the community once more once I get over my nerves and try again.

But I will definitely bookmark this forum and keep an eye out for your event dates when posted :heart:

Our event date has now been confirmed, and the thread title and original post have been edited to reflect it:

Saturday April 18th from 5-7pm server-time!

Hope you can make it!


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Confirmed date and time is a woo-hoo moment! Hope it’s okay I post what we are still looking for in terms of help.

We are still looking for individuals interested in filling the following:

  • Official welcome address by a high-ranking Farstrider/Guild Leader.

  • Feast helpers with access to setting up food tables for such.

  • A five minute address by a Blood Elf guild leader.

  • Folks to help with fireworks launchers and such!

Looking forward to seeing folks come out for this! The more Farstrider RPers, the better! :smiley:

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I will do my best to make it :heart: I hope you can find the high-ranking Farstrider. People are still afraid to do so (like I was) because of gatekeeping. But I say to heck with that mentality. Fun is fun. :confetti_ball::tada:

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Fun is fun, I agree! High-ranking Farstrider RPers are cool with me as long as they aren’t going around saying they are the Ranger-General xD, but playing one is definitely not for the faint of heart and the player should definitely be in tune with how the ranks and lore works. ^^ One of my good friends RP’d a Ranger-Lord and he was boss at it - but unfortunately he is now a filthy void elf. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hoping for at least a Lieutenant Farstrider RPer to want to take the welcome address. Fingers crossed!

Hope to see you there, Senile. I know you expressed joining the Network not too long ago, so if you jump to the pinned thread on the forums by Shaysinn, you will find a discord link to get you in!

Perhaps I can join at a different time :slight_smile: I can’t seem to use the link anymore despite joining briefly and finding the server no longer on my list. I tried reaching out to the names I could remember, though it seems I can’t send any messages to them.

But I don’t have to be in the Discord to participate so I shall see you all there <3 If you cannot find the high-ranking Farstrider, Vylara here could always make an appearance. When I tried a community project a while back, my character (Senile) and I were able to rally more Farstriders than Magisters and Blood Knights combined and it was so fun.

Original posted edited to include a newly confirmed speaker. Also bumps the topic back to the top! Getting help from members of the Farstrider Network in the planning of this event, so the schedule and events may change slightly.


This event is still being planned and discussed in our Farstrider Network discord! I will soon be making an in-game calendar event for this, so should anyone want an invite (and maybe mod- status so you can invite your friends/allies) let me know in the comments below!

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