If your a Druid going the feral spec you will likely know the issue we currently have, correctly ruined a feral druid in cat form has 3 finishing moves , “Savage Roar” - our go to damage boast , “Rip” our go to Add more DPS move if we have Roar up, and then “Ferocious Bite” our every one Forgets we even have this thing. having looked at multiple online guides all of them state that this skill is simply not used due to how little output it gives. Trying it out I can agree, with decent gear my cat mangle form does between 600-1800 dmg per hit , yet building up to 5 points and then biting I rarely get anything over 1000 dmg and this is on a finisher that unless you have a certain Idol also wipes all your energy on use ( meaning your not doing anything impactful right away even if you power shift.)
In short the only time you will ever use this ability if if your farming low level mobs and just want to kill a bit faster.
Option 1 - Make it a true Damage Dealer , Instead of starting at 200-250 dmg for one point and reaching 790-847 at five points it instead does 20-30 Dmg per player level then per each point it increases damage by 10% and at 5 points adds a pierce effect were up to 40% of said damage is applied though any and all forms of shields
Option 2 - make it have a brutal impact and draw back, simple here X5 its damage but make it gives you stacks of “Sore Mussels”, for each point you have when you use it you get 20 stacks of sore mussel no cap , they fall off one each second and certain ability’s can reduce the number ( up to 10 ) but you don’t lose them if you shift , for every point above 100 you have reduces your melee damage by that percent, so if you have 150 points your melee is reduced by a full 50%.
Option 3 - Use a rune to make it a utility , ferocious bite now becomes an attack modifier instead of a finisher ( similar to Maul for bear) when pressed your character stops moving and starts draining energy , with 5 energy equaling 5 yards in range, once your yards is equal to or more than the range of your current target the icon glow again and you then charge at the target ( same as bears charge) and for every 5 energy extra used slow both yourself and the target for 1 second up to 10 seconds ( IE you lunged and bit the target and are holding on like real big cats do) , this would give you a fun way to engage in both PVE and PVP, pve targets wont get out of position on a charge and PVPers can spot this coming.