Ferals in M+

Looks like all we’re doing is keeping busy by throwing up hairballs again.

( Table isn’t coming through in the link )

Dead Last in performance in 15’s


i kinda wonder how the aoe cap will affect ferals going forward…

I’m strongly considering feral affinity again just to see how it works out in 9.1.5

Primal is already uncapped.

So… relatively worse? Since it will take away an advantage?


good point…also looking at shadowlands dungeon design, i doubt anything will change with swipe either…maybe with the exception of DoS and HoA

not sure about the timewalking ones though…i know feral affinity was a thing back then. lol i have to actually think about this now, which is nice

Swipe by itself is very weak and since it doesn’t interact with Berserk at all, we’ll probably won’t see much of a difference. If anything, we’ll see a bigger disparity between our AoE and everyone’s. Really hoping for some changes…


Feral affinity was also a thing back then because you could swap legos between pulls.

I used to switch to things like Chatoyant Ring on pulls that I could get away with going full kitty.

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Primal wrath been uncapped was literally the only saving grace for feral. If they don’t change things feral will be beyond the worst dps spec in mplus


Well, if they’re going to do an AoE tuning pass post changes, that’s a (admittedly slim) reason to hope.

This is so frustrating to be at the bottom every season. Like just now… +17 SoA timer missed by six seconds. Barely out dpsed the war and mage, who had to put in half the effort and prob made a bunch of mistakes; yet they still performed just as well. So we finish and I’m just sitting here thinking that if feral were just slightly adjusted we’d have timed the damn key and maybe this spec wouldn’t be dead last for yet another m+ season.

Too bad Mike plays war and not feral. Maybe he could have a little talk with Ion.


It’s weird that if your at the top of the meters you have to suspect it could be a very bad run.


After reading 9.1.5 Druid changes are not surprising…they are all changes that are of little practical use.
It can also be said that there is no change. After Feral’s damage aura has been strengthened by 8%, Feral has no adjustments.

Honestly, I don’t believe that the new CEO will make any changes to Feral.

One of the more baffling changes was Havoc was middle of the pack last tier. The tank was top rate but havac was middle of the pack. Still a lot better than feral.

And they got a buff. Probably get another one too.


Weird that you use SoA as an example. That’s a boss heavy dungeon, and all of the bosses are feral favored.
First one you can multi dot so you do damage to her even when she’s flying.
Second one have a much easier time dodging balls due to your speed and range.
Third one Convoke smashes really hard during the recharge phase.
Fourth one she literally flies out of range of everyone so the only thing doing damage are dots.
That and the whole dungeon has very little in the way of large AOE pulls.

Where being a feral starts showing its weakness are AOE fest places like HoA and DoS. You should be easily out-dpsing most meta-aoe classes on bosses with an SbT build.

SoA looks to be our weakest dungeon.

But it looks to be every specs weakest dungeon so it might be more about the other specs being brought down to our level than us excelling. Still at the bottom though.

Many of the pulls in SoA are still AoE pulls, especially if you combine packs, which we did. But yes, I’d fall behind on those then pull back ahead on all bosses. All I’m saying is that if feral didn’t fall behind on those AoE pulls we wouldn’t have missed the timer.

It’s not like our ST is so good that it completely compensates for our poor AoE. The % difference between feral and WW, for example, is surprisingly about the same for HoA and SoA (~30%) according to the logs. Then again, my performance in the key in question would have also been logged as the best run there for a feral doing a +17 SoA… and I’m certain that it was not the best 17 SoA done by a feral this season.

That being said, these logs are more useful when combined with io and sim data. None are perfect replications, but all tell the same story: feral needs some help in m+ even with its amazing ST.

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I got lucky today. A druid joined my NW+18 and I saw that they had great feral parses. They were going to go as balance but it was me and a fire mage so we needed the ST damage and interrupts. So I asked them to go feral and they killed it :sunglasses:


I would hope so with javelin debuffs. Probably still wasn’t enough to pull ahead of your 25-30k burst aoe.

No, it was not, but their ST was very good, about 14k on ST. I don’t really need them to be doing great AoE in an 18 with me and a fire mage, though.

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Our ST in m+ is highly dependent on fight length. We have to give up a lot of sustain to do any AoE and the longer a ST fight goes the more apparent our dependence on the initial huge burst is.

I really dig feral, but they have the same problem in M+ as they did in bfa (having to choose between doing aoe or single target dps, and not excelling at either). I wonder if the below could help fix

  1. Put more damage into bleeds versus ferocious bite
  2. Baseline primal wrath (and add another aoe modifier in its place)
  3. Buff trash or swipe damage

What do you all think could balance (pun intended) feral more in keys?