Feral/DK LF guild to do M+/Raid with

Looking to come back into wow and find a good group of people to do some of the end game content with. I did normal/heroic in Uldir and Eternal Palace. I would like to play my feral/dk but can also play things like demon hunter/monk if needed.

Are you looking for a new home or searching for that something in a guild that was lost a long time ago? Want a fresh start with a community full of like-minded individuals that are searching for the same thing? Juggernaut is your new spot.

What we are looking for:
Like-minded active individuals with the intent of pushing mythic raiding content along with m+ come Shadowlands.

Current Needs:
Ranged DPS: High
Melee DPS: High
Tanks: Medium
Healers: Medium

Raid times:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday: 9 PM - 12 AM EST
If you have any additional questions or are interested in joining feel free to add Khoneycutt#1439

We got a guild going of returning players, we are looking for new players to build our player base for raiding. A few of us have already been thru heroic and mythic+, so we know the fights and can progress smoothly.
We are not looking to be hardcore, as most of us have a life outside of wow and have kids. We play the game to have fun and meet people. Saying that we are already pushing mythic keys and have just started raiding.
We are looking for melee DPS and 1-2 more healers (priest/pally/shaman) and a few players who wouldn’t mind offspecing healer or tank. Wont turn down ranged :stuck_out_tongue:
Since its kind of late into this expansion we want to do at much as we can in preparation for Shadowlands.
Not sure if you are looking to help a guild from the bottom up, or something that is already established. But if this sounds like something you would be interested in, hit me up on discord. I’m usually in most of the day.
We are located in MST. Raid times are 7:45pm and will go for about 2 hours. Day are Friday and Monday.
Realm is Gurubashi : [H] casual guild looking for more!
discord: discord.gg/ntTktSD or Morlanith#4704
bnet: Morlanith#1757


We are currently recruiting for our core raid team. We are looking for people that potentially have gotten a little bit of a late start to this expansion whether that be due to taking a break, left for classic, or literally just looking for a new home. New players are welcome as well!

Our highest needs are the following:

Any ranged DPS - excluding balance druids
Any healer - excluding resto druid
Melee DPS - excluding DH and rogue

We have been progressing through normal and will be beginning heroic next week. (We killed a couple heroic bosses last night after finishing up normal as a guild). It will be full heroic progression from here on out.

We raid two days a week - Wednesday and Friday 7PM-11PM EST.

Our goal is to push heroic content for CE and step into mythic and continue to progress as far into mythic content every tier.

we continuously run Mythic plus’ to help gear each other on off nights.

We have started to discuss a pvp team as well for off nights as an additional perk to joining our guild!

If a guild like this interests you, please add me at Defusionz#1271.