Hey, I’m looking for a mythic raiding guild that raids weekends (Friday/Saturday, maybe Sunday depending on times). I am most interested in raiding as feral/boomkin. I am mostly playing feral right now because my m+ gear is useful for feral. I have pugged 6/8H (killed diurna but not Dathea), and I am currenty 2560IO as guardian. I am not super elitist, and I don’t care about pushing guild rankings, but I would like to be doing mythic content. RaiderIO and Logs below. Please leave a response below if interested. I will get back to you if your times work.
Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/proudmoore/syksykii
RaiderIO: https://raider.io/characters/us/proudmoore/Syksykii