Feral still needs some buff to be a competitive melee spec in high M+ keys

Did you really read my comment tho or just partially pick on something you can argue about? lol
I said in low keys you can take whatever and it’s just meaningless. You can try just randomly clicking all the talents there and you can still time keys with no problem.
Check all the top ferals there and see if any good ferals take maim.
I doubt you know why they don’t take maim if it’s really good as you said.
And of course I know TF resets lmao.
And plus you apparently have no idea about rogue energy/CB generation speed so I don’t know what to say to you… play more I guess?


Can you post your Druid? I’d like to see it


I agree with you here. You can pretty much do whatever in low-ish keys and it doesn’t matter.

I never said Maim was “good”. I said it “existed”. Those are not the same. I also explained that taking it, while easy, is usually meaningless because AoE stops are more valuable and you get both of them most of the time anyway.

I don’t care about Rogues? You claimed we could never afford to use Maim in the first place, which is not correct. We could afford to use it in keys in Shadowlands when our energy/CP gen was significantly worse than it is now. So obviously we could use it now if we wanted.

Also as an aside, weren’t you claiming to be one of these “top ferals” a couple of posts ago anyway?

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Again you try to assume stuff. Good imagination is my compliment to you.
I never claimed to be one of the top ferals.
I’m just top 10 feral in Raider IO rn and still trying to hit top 5.
See, the diff between you and me is that you hit 2900, timed a bunch of 21 22 and you think feral is good enough. My lowest timed key is 23 btw without a fixed team and I only do LFG with no comms most of the time
Open your eyes and check the world record. Do I need to remind you that other melee specs already timed 26/27 keys? And the highest IO for balance is 100-150 more than No.1 feral?
If you choose to ignore these and insist on your imagination, I feel like we’re not on the same page too. You’re not on my level so you cannot see what I see. I totally understand that and cannot blame you

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Edit: pretty sure the top 100 Ferals at least have AoTC


PS - Ferals are clearing 25/26 keys. 26/27 for other melee really doesn’t mean anything


Nice one. If by 25/26 you mean SMB and COS…
Maystine timed a bunch of other 25s but he’s No.1 and this is still barely comparable to other melees :rofl:
And only the top 2 or maybe 3 ferals timed 25/26 SMB/COS btw
You really need to work on your logic.
And what does that AOTC line mean?

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Well, now we know you’re trolling hard.


May wanna go look at that. Sorry, but a “top 10 feral” would know what AoTC is

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Says the WQ hero…

I never made claims to be anything otherwise lol

Ooop my bad lol I read LFR instead of LFG***

OMG you even don’t know I’m being sarcastic.
I don’t have AOTC?
Why are ppl just assuming everything instead of reasoning with facts and logics LMAO.

You can’t play “oh I was only kidding” when proven wrong….

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Lol, that was your mistake, and you are trying to blame me… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
OK! guess from this point discussing with ppl like you makes no sense anymore.
No logic, just pure imagination
To be clear tho, I do have AOTC and I’m not even a raid player. My guild is a casual one and we only aimed for AOTC from beginning of expan and we’re working on Mythic slowly but surely. So… any more questions plz?

Why haven’t you logged into your Druid to show us your 3k+ score.

And what keys has the #1 Druid ran,

So you’re claiming to be Icaria then? Ploki does most of their keys with a consistent group and you’re complaining about invites so that has to be it.

Both Psy and Maystine have a timed 26 COS, so not sure what you’re trying to say here. Also amusing that you say 27 since the only 2 melee specs in the world that have timed a 27 are Enh and Sub (because there’s literally 1 timed 27 run in the world right now). Further, using 26 as your bar when three entire dungeons have not been timed at that level is increasingly strange.

It’s actually only 83 points between Maystine and Canex. I definitely agree that Moonkin is more “meta” of the two specs, but that doesn’t stop Feral from being fine.

Is title actually achievable as Feral this season? Definitely. Is that the end of what actually matters? Yes.

Getting WF level keys will always require you to be FotM, and Feral is unlikely to ever be FotM because Moonkin exists. Frankly, that’s fine.

No, I’m not complaining about invites. Actually I get invited a lot and many ppl in LFG know me and invite me, not because feral is op but I guess because they think I’m a good player? :rofl:
You still haven’t answered some of my questions tho. for example, why would ppl take feral instead of making a team with balance + 2 melees with more ccs? What makes feral unreplaceable as a melee?
Also, you still don’t seem to understand my point. I already said feral is not bad.
For ferals, basically only Psy and Maystine are out there and are still barely comparable to other melee specs. And they’re known for a long time as great feral players
And if you would take a look at how many other random players are performing better as dh, rogue, sham, monk, even war…

And btw, if both a rogue and feral with same io applied, who would most ppl take? Lmao you already realized the invite issue and try to ignore it. If you already know that it’s harder for feral to get an invite than other popular melees, why are you still trying to be blind ?

And again, as I mentioned about the diff between us, you think of a title as the highest achievement. But title means almost nothing to me. And so my answer to your question " Is that the end of what actually matters?" is apparently no. (Stop assuming plz). It’s too easy as long as you constantly play. Many other players will fall behind at the end of season when they afk. I love feral that’s the only reason why I’m thinking of their weaknesses and how they can still be improved

I only get invited to keys because the group really needs a brez. Lol. And people do prefer boomies than ferals. :face_exhaling: I even get booted sometimes when they notice I’m not a boomy. Idk about other ferals, this is my experience.

And you guys kinda scared me cuz I never brought Maim into M+. Lol


Finally… a good feral player that I can resonate with.
OMG I suffered a lot from those two 1600 IO/1800 IO feral “GODs”
You see how they just try to teach me trash brazenly as if they know anything
And one piece of the trash obviously, is they think ferals actually should take maim in M+ :stuck_out_tongue:
And we can see how those noob players think so differently than players that are actually good and up there in high keys
Good players think of our weaknesses, things we lack and what can still be improved, whereas players that barely hit 1800 talk so much nonsense, and feel so good about themselves as if their words ever matter to us.
They were never on the same page with us and will never be, Chromian.

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yeah, Not buying it.

This has imposter written all over it.
Some 14 year old kid pretending to be somebody he isnt.

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Feral dps is fine. ST needs a minor buff. But feral pumps.

Only change i’d like to see for feral is further reducing cdr to get incarn back up.

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