TLDR: On PTR, Elemental Spirits provides a bigger physical damage increase in PvP than regular Feral Spirits, on top of also providing elemental damage increases to Fire, Frost and/or Nature. Regular Feral Spirits gives 5% physical damage per wolf in PvP, Elemental spirits gives 10% physical damage per wolf in PvP. It would probably be good to bring regular Feral Spirits up to 10% so the physical increase is the same. In PvE this is not the case, regular Feral Spirits gives more physical damage (15% per wolf) than Elemental Spirits (10% per wolf) as it should be.
Just wanted to point out:
Right now on live, Feral Spirits are nerfed to a 5% physical damage increase in PvP per wolf. With our current tier set thats a 15% phys increase. Elemental Spirits provide 10% fire/frost/nature damage increase per wolf based on which you get with no physical damage increase. That is a perfectly fine trade off.
On PTR however, Feral Spirits are still nerfed to 5% physical damage increase per wolf in PvP, but Elemental Spirits now has 10% physical damage increase per wolf on top of 10% fire/frost/nature damage increase per wolf. Without our current tier set thats 10% physical damage from regular Feral Spirits compared to 20% physical damage+10% to fire, frost or nature from Elemental Spirits (20% if you get 2 of the same elemental wolves).
It seems like regular Feral Spirits should be buffed to 10% in PvP now that we are losing this current tier set so they are not worse in both physical and elemental damage increases compared to Elemental Spirits? Should probably provide the same physical damage increase at the very least.
I haven’t tested to confirm myself, but if true, this sounds like a pretty big oversight. They should provide an equal boost to physical damage.
I knew this was gonna happen lol. There’s so many modifiers and they lose track of them all the time.
It is true I am testing all the time lol. I have checked this a bunch before making a thread on it.
As Noname said, they change modifiers often, and they do this when we get tier sets too and when we lose the tier set they will forget to go back and change the modifier from prior to the tier set.
I don’t think Elemental Spirits should provide the same physical boost, it should be less since it also provides a boost to fire/frost/nature. Elemental Spirits should go down to 5% per wolf in PvP, while Feral Spirits goes to 8% in PvP or something so its similar to now and a bit stronger for physical damage than Elemental Spirits. Should be a slight tradeoff there.
In PvE it works how it should, Ele spirits only provides 10% phys damage per wolf while Feral Spirits provides 15%. As I said before, in PvP Ele spirits provides 10% phys damage while Feral Spirits provide 5%. Def needs to be fixed.
Well whether it’s more or the same, regular Feral Spirits certainly shouldn’t be doing less physical damage than the elemental counterpart.
Any shaman devs around or something to change this pvp modifier? Feral Spirits should be granting more (or the same) physical damage than Elemental Spirits, but that is not the case on PTR with the new change to Elemental Spirits.
Elemental Spirits grants 10% Physical damage and 10% Fire/Frost/Nature damage per wolf, for a total of 20% physical. Feral spirits grant 5% physical damage per wolf, for a total of 10%.