Your cleave creates rage which means endless cleave, for a feral cat you have to keep up multiple buffs if not your swipe and your overall damage will be trash, a cat cant simply swipe all fight the same way a warrior pressed two buttons and achieves best aoe in ICC.
Play feral druid before you start comparing both classes.
Yes, but fury improves their relative position among the DPS specs. It doesn’t stay averaging at the bottom, even without Shadowmourne.
They are still going to likely be worse than Fury warriors.
No arguments there.
We don’t ignore it. When people say warrior gets more DPS out of their gear because of scaling, they are talking about the fact that warrior literally gains more DPS than most other specs from their gear upgrades, so their average DPS won’t staying at the bottom of the list. It’s probably not going to get to the top, but they don’t need to in order to be valuable to a raid.
Understand it’s punishing for a feral cat to focus on cleave for boss fights, we have to keep up mangle, savage roar, at least one bleed and have enough combo points to reapply either bleeds or savage roar, swipe gives no combo points to a feral cat , so everytime you press swipe you are risking all your debuffs/buffs which in essence is your dps as a whole.
the sim already supports multi target cleave, a shadowmourne warrior with icc bis absolutely destroys the feral on 2-3-4 target fights, even with their buffs
The buff itself didn’t make that big of a difference for freya specifically.
AOE burst has always been our strong suit, all you do is have savage roar up , swipe , swipe, tigers fury for more energy and keep spamming swipe, swipe itself will proc clearcasting, before the buff we also could flowershift for free swipe for the burst.
this is all pure speculation and the warriors sims are busted because they assume you have 100% uptime on your slam procs btw
if you look at actual numbers - right now - in the current content without that is actual data instead of something that hasnt happened yet then most everyone is beating warriors who arent “bis” right now. Even then in their bis setup with two voldrethars they are getting beat by hybrid classes that bring better utility and buffs to the raid
a full bis icc warrior in a 3 target cleave situation would do nearly 1.7million damage in 1 minute, nearly 28,000 dps, its unsurprising that blizzard don’t want to add a 10% buff to this
I know this because like many other players we’ve played ICC for ten years plus, warriors will be top 1 dps on Lich king heroic every single time, with or without shadowmourne.
they are bringing it up constantly - the thread is called “feral simming higher then shadowmourne bis fury” , this entire topic is about the exact thing u just said no one brought up lmao
10 years ago isnt now nerd, I played too but we have a different timeline of events going on here. You would have to be incredibly disingenuous to disregard the ret and feral changes based off of 10 years ago. Plus we arent even on the same final patch as when ICC launched. We are on the final “balance” build post ICC launch and gearing. And even then nobody is seemingly taking into account these feral and ret buffs for end game.
Not being disingenous at all, look at private servers and current guilds that run ICC25H 4 raids a week with multiple alts.
Look at videos from back then.
Warriors will destroy any other class in ICC specifically , stop being delusional and wait for your turn as you are guaranteed to be spoiled for pressing two buttons.
LUL you realize private servers dont have said feral and ret buffs implemented? Also their numbers are messed up, if you are referring to warmane - classic is nothing like warmane. Warmane has completely different numbers and is usually a lot harder than classic is right now with inflated boss hp pools and damage. Also they have weird quirks going on in warmane like how a warrior can use mocking blow in pvp for damage. Get real dude.
Shows how much you know - imagine comparing classic wotlk to a private server lol
next youre gonna tell me warrior is good because of the titansgrip mutilate build on ascension LOLOL