Feral Looking for guild TBC

Hello! I am looking for a guild to go into TBC and clear content with! I will be playing a Feral tank for raiding and Resto for arenas.

Why consider me! I have extensive raiding experience from Wotlk-WoD most of my time was with (CUTIES ONLY top 15 u.s) during wotlk and cataclysm during WoD I raided with (Vigil Us 9th) and quit shortly after Hellfire citadel.

Previous accomplishments!
US Horde 2nd Heroic Anub’arak
US 3rd/World 10th Alone in the Darkness
US 8th Observed
US 6th Freya 3x
US 5th Firefighter
US 4th Ulduar Clear
Heroic: Lei Shen (US 5th)

  • Heroic: Sha of Fear (US 18th)
    Mythic: Blackhand (US 16th)

Arena achievements: Gladiator season 1,2 warlords of draenor and legion season 1

Looking for a guild pushing similar limits! I am open to any availability. I did not play classic wow other than hitting 60 on my warlock(Server 4th!) and quitting shortly after. I will be boosting a druid come the pre-patch and prepare for the race to 70!

Any offers drop below and I will reach out if I feel its an appropriate fit!

Hey man. Add me on discord and we can chat. Much easier there.


this might help you choose your guild https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/342666512563306497/834283355113127976/unknown.png be aware

idk what any of that means


means avanti is a delusional liar and should prob be careful when hes trying to name any of his credentials to lure you

I had major issues with this guy over discord as well. Funny that it seems to be the general concensus. (this guy meaning Avanti, not OP)

Hello! I think you might fit in well with us. I formed about a month ago. We’re a PvP focused guild preparing for TBC arena. We’ll also be doing semi hardcore raiding as well. We have several multiglads and most others are 2200+ experienced players. We also have a PvE only team which will focus on helping us clear content efficiently. I think with your experience, you could even be a candidate for one of our raid officer roles. Let’s talk some more on disc or in game. My btag is murseful#1558 and disc murseful#0955

Humorous that you’re keeping tabs of other guilds recruitment threads to defend yourself 🤦

Either way, my apologies. I must’ve mistaken you with somebody else in regards to my ‘major issues’ post. I’ve spoken to many people, as I’m sure you all have.

This isn’t another guilds recruitment post this is a single players recruitment post.

We were trying to recruit him.


i called you exactly what you are EXPLAIN ABOUT LYING NOW https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/342666512563306497/834283355113127976/unknown.png

LOL random peasant kid whos been mediocre his whole life caught trying to act big

still waiting EXPLAIN PLEASE

were still waiting for you to explain LOL stop dodging

Dear Avanti please explain https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/596776042920673282/656949425331109899/unknown.png