Feral feels useless in arenas

Then barely anyone would bother playing it… that was the reason it was changed in 7.3.

Naw bleeds and burst damage isn’t really good. You have a ton of utility value which is good, I think their damage just needs tuning. Ferals bleed damage is weak and bite damage is weak, going full mastery helps a bit on increasing your dps although it’s also really awkward that your entire stat priority changed. Just dealing dps as a feral has become much more awkward, but their utility is in a great place.

Once they get help dps wise I think they’ll be in a good spot. Would be cool if sabertooth encouraged bleeding 1 target, but buffed bleeds and bite if on one target. This way if bleeds become strong you prevent ferals from becoming melee aff locks like the start of legion.


lol feral is indeed trash this patch. damage is weak

Could just make a new talent that buffs Rip if it’s only on one target. Replace Incarn with that and move Incarn to last tier, replacing Frenzy. Make old Frenzy baseline and the spec is good again.

This would actually make talent choices interesting and enable different builds. SotF if double/triple bleeding or the new talent for ST. And, of course, SR if you’re slaying dragons. BT would make the build bleed-heavy and Incarn gives the usual wombo combo for single target, sacrificing overall bleed damage.

The AoE tier is just awful but whatever; at least they tried. PvP talents are good right now, but i fail to see why they didn’t make Leader of the Pack a thing in mythic+ and raiding, since Feral is struggling with that.

Really hard to know what’s on dev’s mind as they do not communicate with us properly. They said they aren’t happy with the current state of BT, but didn’t change anything. Someone also said that Ferals should be a single target specialist, but the talent tree they give us suggests otherwise.

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So they fix some specs and break some others. Which would actually be fine if they really spent the next 2 weeks carefully watching the feedback and hotfixing issues ASAP. They actually have been doing this too but I don’t think it will last.

In all likelihood Feral will remain broke for the next 4 months or so, then they’ll fix them and ruin a different spec while hundreds of development hours are poured into new toys and pet battles.

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This this this this this.

  1. If they are adjusting our spec burst, then we need bleeds to not hit like a slap in the face every eighth of a second. Since incarnation, -25% haste, and bite got nerfed (no more RF, flat damage reduction to bite as well) than we should have increased bleed damage.

  2. Multiple Azerite traits that are not substantial in pvp. We have like 4 or 5 Azerite traits that really don’t do anything for pvp. It’s kind of a waste. Top players are really just running either one of each or battlefield focus.

  3. Leader of the pack should be baseline. I mean come on thst would be amazing and make feral something people would choose over boomy.

Tldr: just tune up our bleeds and adjust Azerite traits so we have something viable for pvp.

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reminds me of bc feral. Bad but really fun.

Feelsgood not getting bit for 40k every 10 seconds


Give it bark skin and cyclone back and people would play it. maybe alternatively allow people to spec into big crit bites over bleeds, and you’d have a really well designed class that takes skill for a meele but is really rewarding for those who are good at it.

Guess they got the sub treatment.

all the sustain builds are garbage, even with rip/rake traits on azerite gear, sustain multidotting feral builds are kinda dead with the 8.1 feral talent changes

the generic incarn build is mediocre, but it’s really the only viable option right now and it’s so boring.

incarn has been the go-to talent since mop.
It was fun for an expansion or so, but it’s just getting excessive now.


Not going to lie, the only build I found to work is pretty boring. But you do almost as much damage as running around dotting things do it seems like a mute point wasting time to run around dotting. So lately I’ve been just choosing a kill target dotting them up and cyclone the healer till they give up or something dies

Hey Blizzard why isn’t Dillon on your Developer Team? cuz the Current ones you have, have no idea what they are doing.


Ferals have always been a unpeelable rot melee class with good utility.

Ferals were never and should never be a high damage class.

Im glad they are bring them back to their old ways. x3 trait stacking and 1 shotting with incarn was poor design and only bad ferals liked it.

Now if they would revert shred so you can only shred from behind a target then i may go back to playing feral.

Here’s the only problem, the rot damage is pretty bad ATM too. Granted with the hotfix for 7% more damage gets implemented, it might help a little more. However, (at the current state) even if you go all out with a bleed oriented build your damage is not good enough and the pressure is not really there like it used to be. Not to say people who prefer a Bursty playstyle are bad, but it’s a lot of work for little to no reward. Even if you play perfect your damage is bad. I’m not expecting to be top of the charts every game but I’d like to at least like to keep up to some extent

Incarn never buffed bite damage, not sure why people ever thought that tbh. Feral big bites in 8.0 was always bloodtalons, tigers fury, double trinket procs and maybe dark arch. Incarn didn’t buff bite damage, still doesn’t.

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when did i say it did?

You implied 1 shotting with incarn, and their only source of gibbing people in 8.0 was with bites. So what else would you have been implying.


tool feelsdumb!

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killing a feral is pretty easy as a rogue. if i caught them full kidney in catform = deadcat. idk maybe some of the toolkit feral has is pretty obolete. that 7% damage band-aid buffed means nothing. still a dead cat for sure

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