Feral feels useless in arenas

Here’s the only problem, the rot damage is pretty bad ATM too. Granted with the hotfix for 7% more damage gets implemented, it might help a little more. However, (at the current state) even if you go all out with a bleed oriented build your damage is not good enough and the pressure is not really there like it used to be. Not to say people who prefer a Bursty playstyle are bad, but it’s a lot of work for little to no reward. Even if you play perfect your damage is bad. I’m not expecting to be top of the charts every game but I’d like to at least like to keep up to some extent

Incarn never buffed bite damage, not sure why people ever thought that tbh. Feral big bites in 8.0 was always bloodtalons, tigers fury, double trinket procs and maybe dark arch. Incarn didn’t buff bite damage, still doesn’t.

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when did i say it did?

You implied 1 shotting with incarn, and their only source of gibbing people in 8.0 was with bites. So what else would you have been implying.


tool feelsdumb!

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killing a feral is pretty easy as a rogue. if i caught them full kidney in catform = deadcat. idk maybe some of the toolkit feral has is pretty obolete. that 7% damage band-aid buffed means nothing. still a dead cat for sure

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That’s true; if you get us in a full stun we are as good as dead. Same could be said about the rogue tbh.

Aff lock isn’t even aff lock though…

Imo ferals should be vulnerable to dying in stuns. Ferals should be able to generate counter pressure and peel for team mates who are stunned. But they should be vulnerable to them dying themselves. If they want to avoid their death in stuns they need to either generate enough momentum or just prebear/wall set ups. It’s a fair tradeoff. The only really issue is ferals can’t generate counter pressure right now. Bleeds and Bite are weak. They just in general have bad single target damage. Fix that and ferals are fine, you wouldn’t want to play a version of feral that just has a bunch of peels and is immortal and has no killing potential, would be pointless to exist other to make everyone else miserable including yourself lol.


Except you assume people only play wow to do arenas.

Having good control and utility and being unkillable is actually very fun, especially in 1v1’s which happens alot in warmode and bgs.

Me vs you is alot more important to me than my team vs your team.

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If you’re in a 1v1 setting and you have good utility you’re generally able to be unkillable anyways though.

Feral has a good enough toolkit to avoid deaths in 1v1, they just die in arenas to coordinated set ups if your team doesn’t play around it so I don’t even know what point you’re getting at tbh.

Being unkillable in a 1v1 usually just means you can kite well/reset/have some self healing. Ferals can do all of that. Super tanky classes in arenas are usually bad in duels in that same regard so you’re kind of making an argument that’s irrelevant imo.

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agree with you killjoy. well with cyclone back to ferals at least they wouldn’t be damage bots anymore. but they dont even do damage this 8.1 lol. we’ll see after the 7% damage buff. their mechanics is just very obsolete oh well this game is pretty obsolete as well