Feral essay 2

Now admitting to ignorance on the matter instead of denial?
That’s a bit special…

In general, a large amount of players consider the below, a safeguard against shifting out of form for their Bloodtalons activation.

/console autounshift 0
/cast Regrowth
/console autounshift 1

This simply reduces the heal as a tool to activate the talent, or in Blizzard’s own words; “mindlessly cast Regrowth on yourself”, without consideration of utilising the PS proc, this is regarded as a degenerative playstyle.

Whilst you can absolutely improve on this macro, most that would regard such, would simply ignore such actions, whether it’s needed, or not:

/console autounshift 0
/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Regrowth; Regrowth
/console autounshift 1

You do realise that link titled “FEEDBACK: Druid Class Changes”, has the most recent developer communications on the subject?

In case you’ve no idea how links work, because you’ve shown ignorance up to this point, I will directly quote both August 2018 and recent correspondence:

Bloodtalons does a great job at adding complexity to the rotation, but we’re not sure the method in which it does that is right for the spec long-term. Bloodtalons asks you to frequently cast a Regrowth in exchange for its buff, which in a group/raid, means either you’re required to keep an eye on group/raid frames (which is a lot to ask) or you make a macro to mindlessly cast Regrowth on yourself (which isn’t great).

The goals of Bloodtalons were 1) to keep the things we think people saw as cool about it (adding some planning to the rotation, snapshot bleeds are a good payoff for a bit of complexity) while getting rid of the weirdness of using Regrowth as a trigger. Many people dislike the latter, and frankly we think it’s pretty weird too. We don’t have an exact further revision to report yet, but the feedback is making me think it still needs to somehow buff spells other than Rip.

So in you confusing a link with Boomie conversations, I suggest you educate yourself in how to click on a link…

This is accurate.
I do play Feral.

On that account, do you regard that knowledge of the macro signifies that one plays the spec, of which you seem to completely ignorant of?

So precious :hugs:

So you’re bitter about your loss of Bloodtalons, without previous knowledge of the facts behind it’s redesign.

I cordially invite you to familiarize yourself with the Dunning-Kruger effect.


first off, healing touch is not in BFA, copying and pasting macros you found on the internet does not equate to you knowing what is going on BECAUSE as feral you do not need to unshift PERIOD in bfa. You have expertly exposed your lack of knowledge on the spec that you have continually claimed I do not know enough about, yet I am here correcting every false claim you are making about the spec. You actually linked boomy information and didnt take the time to crop it out, it looks like you were hastily grabbing what info looked good to you to try and win the argument but you actually linked the wrong spec info and then talked about bloodtalons in the very next line. If you were genuinely trying to only link the dev post, you wouldve actually done that, because you then defended the post and talked down to me when I said you linked boomy info instead of admitting you messed up.

I have not once in our argument or the essay expressed grief over losing bloodtalons
You also didnt answer the question

[quote=“Kíñg-thrall, post:18, topic:510727”]

if you could clarify which of the above descriptions applies to you that would be great. One of them has to.

Which is what the macro, being referred to by the developers, is used for to this day. Just because you are/were completely ignorant to it’s effects, doesn’t mean that it does not exist.

So for practice sake, as an exercise; go ahead and link the appropriate material in a quote, as you were clearly unable to follow a simple link to engage in what I may have been discussing, instead of assuming the conversations had shifted to Boomie.

Doesn’t surprise me that you’d limit someone to one category :roll_eyes:

But could you actually consider being educated into the history of why developers have seen fit to re-design an increasingly polarising option for the spec, a shill?

That macro is not used to this day, healing touch is not in the game. You are saying that in bfa, that blizzard does not like people having to use macros to use blood talons, this is categorically false. you are defending something that does not exist. and I can 100% prove in game
you wont answer the question because you know you mispoke and got called out for it and if you answer the question will heavily damage your credibility.
If you address that remark I will not argue any more and let your answer be the end of it. My guess is you know you are in to deep and you have doubled down so far you are about to get to the 4th ring of hell and wont admit it. You cannot fathom you got outwitted because you are so full of yourself and think so little of others that you wont even address the logical corner you are backed into

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I don’t have to say it.
If you’re unaware on how these links work, you can click on them, and find that it was quoted from Blizzard.

Leaving the thread on the ignorance and inaccuracy behind your “essay”, complete lack of knowledge of developer communication, and of the macros involved in such correspondence.

You wont answer the question bro.

Blizzard and you are wrong about the macros and I can prove that in game 100%.

Appealing to authority is a logical fallacy and has been a crutch for you to remark about how I am mad or ignorant about blood talon changes yet you wont cite me saying them… Because I didnt. And if i did, quote me. BLOOD TALONS CHANGES WERE NOT A SINGLE PART OF THE ESSAY NOR WAS BLIZZARDS COMMENTARY ABOUT BLOOD TALONS. You brought it up and made it a point of debate and then used that point of debate to trash the essay when it was never a part of the essay in the first place.

You made no points except to react rudely to me.
You did nothing but try to bully me and make yourself feel good.
and I am still being respectful to you.
You are a coward for not answering the question and quoting out of context

what i actually said

Your argument was you just insulting me and making yourself feel good.