Feral Druid

How are they in classic pve and pvp I’ve yet had a chance to download classic as work has been in high demand as of late (health care of course) but was just curious to the feral cats out their what do you think of them so fare.


Super fun to play, esp world PVP.

Play and have fun despite what others say.


I’m not sure what all the changes are going to be as I have some reading to do. Played a Druid in vanilla wow, I was in a great raiding guild, had some of the top ten kills, and hit rank 13 in the old pvp system. For progression raiding it was heal only, and I had the best feral gear at the time but you just couldn’t compete with rogue and warrior dps.
As far as pvp they were good, especially for flag running. Feral won’t mow down well geared players like rogues an warriors could.
Now the pre BC patch feral was made extremely OP. So if they plan on launching that patch or making feral changes that weren’t in the ordinal vanilla it may be worth it.

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They’re good, you’re going to hate rogues because they’ll steal your gear but they’re insanely mobile, tons of utility (it’s not like retail, you can shift out and actually heal for significant amounts)

You can also tank pretty well, and kitty dps is actually something that people will take to raids…balance not so much. If you wanna be a cat, be a cat! I wouldn’t say they’re in high demand at all, but you’ll be able to find groups

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Play what is fun for you. A savvy raid knows there’s room for ferals and balance druids.

Our MT was a druid from MC to AQ40. Don’t let people discourage you.

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Crappy class in endgame. Battlegrounds and raiding, just no.

But super fun and very strong for World PVP. In that setting they do dominate because they can outrun enemies and prowl. There you have it.

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Fun world pvp one shots, interactive rotation with more than one button, we use 3.

All in all feral is a fun spec to play and is very viable being able to out dps other classes who dont put in the work, but still in the end of the day its vanilla and we play the class.

So yes i can recomend druid to everyone

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I’m wondering if the Rock Pulverizer with “Equip: +34 attack power” is a good weapon for my feral druid?