Feral Druid Werebear, Fire Cat

Thank you so much, Blizz. :’) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EesUqKAVAAE0Z7A?format=png&name=900x900

I’m running around Stormwind swapping between sparkle cat and werebear and having a great time.

Also, RAVE CAT ISN’T DEAD! You can still transmog weapons into artifact forms! RAVE CAT/BEAR LIVES!

Oh, and fire cat is in the barbershop now. Confirmed.


Night elf only, for now.

Not sure if it’s intentional or not.

Maybe it is, and it’s another dig at Night Elves on fire, like the face burn scars.

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Oh I’m glad fire cat is, too. That’s great news! This is a good day to be a Druid.

Other than Guardian still being awful and Feral still being weirdly bad…but then again I’m not in beta so I don’t k ow how bad they are.


It’s not. It’s just beta. It’ll be on non-nelves soon enough.

So will my resto druid that’s a Zandalari be able to use the feral druid artifact forms? I hate their “dinosaur” cat form. No dinosaur looks like that :unamused:

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Yes. :slight_smile:

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Awesome! Thanks :grin:

Probably is. Don’t remember any other druid races who were Fire Druids.

But it’s stupid to have. Lore-wise we killed them all and if there were any left, we’d kill them on the spot. But whatever. Cool for the sake of cool, screw lore.

If the Night Elves had accepted the Fire Druids the whole Burning of Teldrassil thing would have been a non-issue though.

Sylvanas burns Teldrassil. The Night Elves are like “Hmm, lovely fire. More fire please!”

It’s not going to be. Any race can be a fire cat. It’s never been exclusive to nelves. It’s most likely going to be tied to collection–those who have the toy that makes you a fire cat. I’ll ask my buddy who got me on the beta for confirmation.

For players, all players were capable of taking Fandral’s Flamescythe from his cold dead hands and using the Fire Cat effect.

But in lore, all Druids of the Flame were Night Elves.

I think the most likely thing is that everybody will be able to unlock the Fire Cat regardless of race, but it’s possible that Blizzard will restrict it to Night Elves for lore reasons.

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I don’t see it as very likely since it’s already been available to all druids this whole time. If it was always nelf-exclusive, there’d be a good chance.

I am assuming they put it on nelves just to test it on the original druids, in case it somehow broke the character and made all druids unplayable.

If fire cat is a permanent druid form I might have to main a druid in SL.

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I hope that they don’t break the toy…

Hopefully now the game will correctly recognise which artifact forms the character has unlocked.

I don’t have access to 75% of my bear or cat forms from Legion and that is on the actual character I did the content with. Heck I can’t even transmog to the base artifact weapon, I only get 3 colours of the hidden and like the secondary of either balance of power or possibly PvP one, I can’t remember which one it is.

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Surely now the posts begging Blizz to bring back the mage tower will stop.

Man, I really need to get my 10 RBGs. Get my Werebadger finally.

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I want it back and I have the appearances. I consider mage tower better content than visions.

Fandral’s Seed Pouch is still there and unbroken! I figure it’ll continue. With them allowing us to still transmog artifact appearances on top of the barbershop looks, I figure this will stay, too.

That seems… super wrong. Have you put in a ticket?

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I honestly haven’t but should. It’s not something I’ve played much outside of balance so it’s not something that was in the back of my mind.

It only really got brought to my attention when picking him up again (I swapped from Druid in 8.1) to mess around with and decided I might play around with Feral.

Since I’d already known of the barbershop changes in SL I just figured I’d hold off and see what happens :man_shrugging:
You’re right though, I probably should just put in a ticket.

When I log in tonight if I don’t have beta access and can’t see how it looks when transferred into SL I’ll submit a ticket :+1:

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