Feral Druid Update

Uhg, dont remind me. haha

I’ve been a feral main since day 1 of classic and I’ve raided as cat since phase 2. While I saw it similar to how you do at the start, I quickly learned that having one less item slot to worry about replacing/upgrading is actually not a bad thing, especially in a game where you often have to compete with others for gear. The helm doesn’t hold us back, it empowers us.


No other class gets a helmet that lasts the entire expansion. This is a good thing for us. We never need to contest a helmet (for cat set) as it is always covered. This is a good thing.

Adding it to meta or tier won’t make or break any cat numbers. It will make a very very minor impact on their DPS at all. Sure, that sounds like a “well why not change it then” thing but its simply not worth the dev time and then people would just move the complaint to “now I’m stuck with Tier/Meta”.


Good job blizz

Thumbs up

#somechanges :kissing:


This is what I want to know, it’ll change how we pop AR if so

As I said to him, I shall say to you. The wording from Kaivax, to me suggests that it’s intended as a change to druids only.

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Thank you Blizzard. I love you.

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This is greatly appreciated, thank you!

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Ok I never looked at it like that. But we really should, imho, have an upgraded version of this that has some stats to add to our over all DPS.


It was probably the easiest with the least amount of fallout. Worst case scenario, Cat Druids are actually useful in raids and can PvP effectively.

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Exactly. I’d love the buff on an individual level, but i feel like flat out brand new changes to items/talents should only be made in extreme circumstances where the benefits far outweigh any consequences. I still dislike boosting for the same reason.

We did it, baby!! LET’S GOOOO!!!


thanks for making the right decision! i can finally play my druid again!

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They’re listening :0 bg queue fix incoming boyz

Oh you sweet, sweet summer child…

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I did in fact chuckle audibly upon reading that. Good one.

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In light of this awesome news, does anyone know a good energy tick addon for ferals?


what about horde battleground queues? any word on that??

kind of an all in one but you can try Zia’s feral weak aura based off of Weave’s feral WA

Also, it’s craftable so you never have to worry about running through Gnomer with nothing but a bunch of wool cloth to show for it.