Feral druid nerf next pls!

Ferall very overtuned as well. Tone down by 10% please

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Aww, now tell me where did the mean kitty hurt you


Everywhere haha. The nerf is coming :slight_smile:

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Ok I’ll bite. You say feral is overtuned, but doesn’t say in what aspect. You need to be clearer about this kind of stuff or it’ll just be written off like it doesn’t exist.

Some examples of critical information that could be provided:

  • What kind of content are they overperforming in? Raid, PvP or M+?
  • What in their kit needs to be looked at? Be specific.
  • Are you referring to pre-patch or beta?
  • Are you basing your facts on a one-off occasion? What’s your source?

At this point, I find it hard to believe that Feral needs a nerf until I’m proven otherwise. Please provide data next time.


M+ , Beta. Of course as a druid player you will defend your class. But feral is overturned and nerfs are coming for beta. Dont say i didnt warn you :slight_smile:

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I’m not defending anything, I sincerely want to know what needs nerfing. What exactly in M+ needs to be looked at?

Utility, AoE, Single Target?


Aoe and ST. They have builds that allow them to dish out really good ST while doing really good aoe. you pair that with 3% vers party buff, rebirth, Instant Regrowths to heal teamates, Good Defensives, Aoe disorient, party movement speed buff, good mobility, Stealth (dont have to use invis pots). The only thing they are lacking is Lust at this point

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I play feral and it is not over tuned - it is just the same hit something 8 times until it dies


:peach: :sweat_drops:

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So effectively all their bringing is damage. All other druid specs can do the same thing, nothing is unique about feral aside from funnel damage.

From beta footage I’ve seen personally, they certainly are doing a lot of burst damage because of synergies between talents. However they’re definitely not the class that hits the highest dps.


I don’t understand this gripe.

“Oh no, this guy in my mythic+ is doing really good. We’re gonna time this with 10 minutes to spare. I hate how OP that guy is.”

I get it if you’re getting one shot in a PvP situation, but how is a guy you’re cooperating with being really good taking the jam out of your donut?


If feral was doing good in mythic plus it would be a nice change from not being invited constantly for years.


When a pure DPS class gets beat out by a support class the rage builds lmao.


Nerf everybody except warriors

Do it Blizz

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Phase 1: Everyone gets mad and rerolls Warrior
Phase 2: Blizz realizes everyone is playing Warrior and decides to cater to every Warrior player
Phase 3: Some die-hard ride or die Warlock player complains about them on the forums
Phase 4: Blizz delivers a massive sweeping nerf to all 3 Warrior specs
Phase 5: Everyone is mad…again.


This is what I was thinking, and I don’t even play feral lol. I just sit pretty in resto looking down on my kitty cousins in pity.


because then you have to have a feral (see: whatever op spec idc if feral is or isnt) for every dungeon run, not that I don’t think cheering on my team mates isn’t great, its just the reality of how people play the game now

Lol, well, I guess they’ve come full circle then, because they’ve been ignored for this entire expansion. Let them have their time in the sun. They just got gud again, we don’t need to immediately nerf them because of impotent nerd rage.

And no, a spec being good doesn’t mean it’s REQUIRED for every run. Lots of specs are doing crazy well right now and I’m not seeing any, “Tank/heals LF mythic 15, need 3 Aff Locks pls then g2g”.

This guy isn’t even saying that Feral is the most OP spec in the game right now, he’s just saying it’s overtuned. My question is, who cares? Let them be overtuned. Geeze. Go play a Feral and have fun. :dracthyr_crylaugh:


nice edit bro

Must be VERY different in PvP than PvE.
I just swapped to feral yesterday to try it out again.
Compared to Destruction lock its complete trash in PVE.
Must be seriously different in PvP or something if someone is whining to get it nerfed