Feral Druid Looking for a Casual Guild


I am looking for a chill guild with raid times anywhere from 5:00pm - 11:00pm EST Sunday - Thursday. I have raided a few bosses 6/8N & 1/8H but have not raided in about a month so I am a bit rusty. I also enjoy running M+ during the early evenings and weekends as well. I am currently on A52 and would like to trial to see if it would be a good fit before moving my character over to Stormrage. If you think you might want to take a chance on an old lady who likes to participate in full-contact origami on the side, please leave your spam here or add me to your bnet. =D Thanks and have great weekend!!


Hey Jaydyn Out For blood is 6/8 heroic We raid Tuesday/Thursday 830-1130 est. We are focused on AOTC and looking to expand our core group. Looking for more chill people to kill internet dragons with. Totally fine to do your trial cross server if you would like, My btag is tetrisguy#1895 if that sounds like a good fit your you