Feral Druid LF AOTC raid team, M+ and casual chill times guild

Guild i’m in doesn’t look like there will be a raid team for season 2 so trying to get my eggs in order.

Looking for a guild that raids, focusing on AOTC, Sundays any time 7pm ST onwards. Could potentially do 2 nights but will depend on the time and day I guess, work life sucks.
Can provide logs if needed.

Looking for somewhere to call home socially as well; active M+ and other shenanigans would be a plus.

Bnet: Nyandos#2904


Hi There Kraken is a AOTC guild who also has focus on social side of the game we will be raiding thursday and sunday in season 2 and your welcome to join.

raid starts at 7:30 aest

i have sent you friend request