Feral Druid in Shadowlands

Hello! I’ve been a long time player of WoW, now, I’ve never mained feral druid but I have a friend that desperately wants to see some change to the class, he’s been a feral druid main for a long time, and has cancelled his sub in large part due to the way feral was changed when BfA was released. His sub is not currently active so this is why Im posting this here. He likes to talk about how amazing feral can be, so I thought it was time to share some of his feedback and thoughts on the matter, since Feral is so underplayed at this current time in the game.

My friend added the comments in between changes, and it was written qucikly, but it captures the essence of what he was wanting to share.

Without Further ado:

Proposed Feral Shadowlands Changes From an Ex-Feral Main (exact numbers shall be left up to the people that make the game)
-Moment of Clarity
-Moved to level 15 talent tier replacing Sabertooth

(I feel Sabertooth is a major flaw of feral as it makes it too easy and boring to play as after you apply a buffed rip once you virtually never have to worry about using rip again. Moment of clarity also feels too weak to be a level 100 talent choice and fulfills the same role as Sabertooth by making the rotation easier and more forgiving without completely removing rip from your rotation after the first application.)

-Level 100 talent (takes the spot of Moment of Clarity)
-Mangle: Costs 25 energy. Target takes 10% increased damage from all sources of bleed damage for 30 seconds.

(Feral needs some sort of raid utility. If you have multiple classes in your raid that can apply bleeds then dropping some personal DPS from not taking Bloodtalons to increase overall rDPS seems like a fair trade off.)

-Moved to level 100 talent replacing feral frenzy

-Pack Mentality (WTB someone good at naming abilities 100 gold)
-Pack Mentality: Become one with your pack increasing all party members damage by 15% for 20 seconds.

(Again, feral could use some raid utility and dropping personal DPS for overall rDPS is not a bad thing.I also don’t really like feral frenzy as a talent and find It rather boring to use which is why I removed it. I switched this with Incarnation because if it was competing with Mangle I feel one would just come out on top in certain comps and always be used. Moving it to the level 75 talents also opens up options for build diversity. Savage Roar/Bloodtalons for personal DPS, Pack Mentality/Mangle for party buffs, or Pack Mentality/Incarnation for big bursts.)

-Tear (rip and tear get it? haha… seriously though WTB someone to name abilities 200 gold?)
-Tear: Cost 75 energy. Tear the targets flesh dealing X amount of damage. Does not award combo points.

(wait for it)

-Predatory Swiftness
-Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to make your next TEAR, Regrowth, or Entangling Roots, instant, free, and castable in all forms.

-Casting TEAR, Regrowth, or Entangling Roots causes your next two melee abilities to deal 25% increased damage for their full duration.

(You were upset after I introduced an ability that costs 75 energy and didn’t give combo points weren’t you? I don’t feel like the current blood talons is really all that clunky, its an easy button to hit while waiting for a bit of energy to regen and Ferals need something to do with predatory swiftness procs that is not a heal or casting a root on an unrootable boss. Introducing a new damaging ability to use them on would make the procs useful even if you are not running Bloodtalons.)

As far as the new talent, Heart of the Wild, goes I’m ok with it though it probably shouldn’t replace Typhoon on that tier as Typhoon is too useful. It allows feral to be away from the boss for a short amount of time without losing a massive amount of DPS. It might come in clutch for some Shadowland’s bosses. Who knows?

Thanks for taking a read! Hopefully we can get this in front of Blizzard in some way.


Who even does significant amounts of bleed damage besides Feral? I keep seeing Mangle brought up as “raid utility” but if no one else is doing bleed damage then it doesn’t really count. It was a weak “utility” when we did have it for exactly the same reason - the only other spec that benefited from it (Arms Warrior IIRC) also brought the same debuff.

We don’t have Typhoon anymore, there was an empty space on that row. Typhoon is now part of Balance Affinity for Feral.

-Pack Mentality (WTB someone good at naming abilities 100 gold)
-Pack Mentality: Become one with your pack increasing all party members damage by 15% for 20 seconds.

(Again, feral could use some raid utility and dropping personal DPS for overall rDPS is not a bad thing.I also don’t really like feral frenzy as a talent and find It rather boring to use which is why I removed it. I switched this with Incarnation because if it was competing with Mangle I feel one would just come out on top in certain comps and always be used. Moving it to the level 75 talents also opens up options for build diversity. Savage Roar/Bloodtalons for personal DPS, Pack Mentality/Mangle for party buffs, or Pack Mentality/Incarnation for big bursts.)

This would basically become a mandatory talent, whether it’s actually competitive or not, since no one else brings that sort of buff. Utility like this needs to be baseline.

Who even does significant amounts of bleed damage besides Feral?

20-30% of arms damage, 15-20% of sin rogue damage, 5% beast master damage, and then obviously feral’s damage. (I’m not sure if ret paladin’s expurg counts as a bleed or not).

To be honest it would just be easier to make it do 5% Physical Damage taken like the Monk buff so it’s no longer unique to them.

Sub rogue getting rupture too I think

big true, but I know sl damage (and abilities even) are still very much subject to change so I was going off live. assuming the current bleeds stay the same then yeah there’ll be even more in sl

Answering to the title of the thread…“no, i dont think there will be feral druids in shadwolands!”


Hahaha thats what Im trying to prevent!

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Frenzy is probably the most fun talent on that row if anything I think it should be baseline

It’s crazy how much blizz just doesn’t care about this spec, lol.