So I know ahead of time this is niche, the Blood DK might have been more self sufficient than other tanks, etc. It’s not the new meta by any means, etc etc…
BUT… this is impressive nonetheless.
Especially since people always complain ferals aren’t good LOL.
Ive seen prot paladins heal plus 18s and in Legion MDI there was a team that didn’t even have a healer
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“Feral druids don’t have enough utility”
Also feral druids:
That is awesome. =) I’m not sure you could do that this week with Grievous, but I’m impressed that he was able to deal with Pride at all.
This is a group comp thing (HDH was pulling massive heals in addition to BDK and balance druid)…also I think its telling we don’t have a DPS meter. As a healer those are some low healing numbers and I doubt the dps is making up for it because he’s barely dpsing. Looks like a click baity youtube video Wowhead picked up.
Didn’t a prot pally alrdy time a 15 with 4 dps like way before everything was nerfed?
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Yeah, I was wondering why he wasn’t showing damage meters…
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Yeah, that definitely wasn’t an accident
finally good to see people trying unconventional ways to be innovative.
of course it starts with a druid
(well maybe it didn’t start with a druid like people above pointed out, but still…we are awesome!
I watched pieces of it.
It sort of looks like inverse cat-weaving.
He spends a LOT of time out of cat form. He even has a WA telling him to get out of cat form.
That group is also pretty good at not taking stupid amounts of extra damage.
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the group’s overall skill determine whether something like this can be pulled off imo.
It’s probably telling him when Heart of the Wild is available from his Oath of the Elder Druid legendary.
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Zmok with his prot pally tanking/healing and 4 dps in BFA is still king imo. They were doing +20’s in like season 2 or 3.
And he doesn’t hide the meters, so you can see he’s doing all the actual healing.
This is just 5 self sufficient classes with a feral being one of them. I’d bet money the tank did the most healing.
Good for a laugh, but don’t hide the meters if you want to claim a feral is healing.
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Yeah. I wonder if Boomie /w heal affinity would have been more efficient.
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feral does proc a lot of free heals with pred swiftness tho.
That is what I assumed as well.
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Except he built his entire kit including legendary around this and is only putting out mediocre healing and we don’t even see the damage he’s doing, but I’m guessing it’s fairly low with how much time he is casting as others have said. This is a meme build and should in no way count as proof feral utility isn’t totally lacking.
Yeah its definitely one of those “HEY LOOK I DID A THING!” vids.
But, I posted it because I thought it was actually kind of impressive, and I like that he found a use for Oath leggo, and I love that he’s doing something different.
Except feral utility is great. How is it lacking?
Is it not enough with:
A free regrowth every 9(?) seconds?
Stealth n res?
Incap roar?
Mass root?
Battle res?
It’s not that feral utility is bad, it’s that resto and balance bring all that too, and in balance’s class, more. So if your going to take a druid, balance is generally the go to, and if you get a resto, theres less benefit from a feral.