Lol, I know. I pointed out on the classic forums that ArP scaled way past what most people expected. I was told I was very wrong and ArP didnt work for ferals or anyone else. You can tell the ones who did not play WotLK when it first came out.
Fury Warrior
Physical based attacks wanted the ArP. Rookies
i don’t think this guy played in wotlk at all. at least not a feral druid. i created my feral either BC or WotLK as a level 20 twink. I tried to hold to 20 as long as i could but the pvp experience was to forceful. I loved the spec so much i switched from hunter main to feral.
I have the heroic achievement for ICC. I have the mount and Dalaran medallion to prove it. I regret chosing the medallion but not anymore. the toy that let you summon the ghostly NE orchestra was mesmerizing indeed.
The other DOT class is a bottom dweller as well. LOL. Check Affliction Warlcok. The difference is, they have a spell that is kind of a DOT Execute spell called Melefic Rupture.
Blizzard claims this was done to make all melee have a consistent experience. This has two major problems:
- the melee experience is not consistent, even now, and never will be - especially since hit boxes are not consistent.
- feral is arguably more prone to errors and a poor player experience due to melee range limitations given the character model, and therefore, it is harder hit by the change despite all melee now having the same range.
Three problems. Ret Paladins get like 15 yard range on all their attacks
i stand next to evokers on my ret pally to troll them. its a nice reminder to anyone that thinks their range is ok that there standing in melee range and it is in fact not ok range for a ranged dps to have
I just checked 95th Percentile in Warcraft Logs for best dps on Rasha’nan because of so minor cleave. Checked #1 Feral and #1 Enhancement, As it so happens, they got the class #1 spot on the same raid! Haha.
If you calculate in percentage how much damage Fang needs to add to equal the Enhance Shaman damage, it is 30% overall damage. After much deliberation, I was way off in my itemization of damage increase per skill. But I will say my my biggest desire for a damage increase is Bloodseeker Vines and it’s sub-abilities. I can’t stomach how weak a 10 point spender tree is compared to other Specializations.
I say just give feral a straight up 30% damage overall for God’s absolution sake and stop itemizing. At least until Blizz has time to appropriately re-tune it.
i believe the difference between feral and other melee is our center. the feral’s center puts our head in the bosses butt.
testing testing
keeping this up for next ptr build
Performance aside, switched mains to this because of that… But when I do play feral…
It just feels so disconnected and out of sync to play.
And incredibly energy starved in low to mid tier gear.