Feral Druid Elunes fire cannot upkeep Rip

The new version of elunes fire says Shred extends Rip by 2 sec, Each effect can only be extended up to its initial duration. I’m not sure if the intention was to up keep Rip with shred forever with this, but if this was the case the GCD in wow is at 1.5 seconds so if every cast was used for shred if would only increase by .5 each cast which would be fine, the issue is with power shifting and possibly needing to cast another finisher, or really anything else, this will end up barley if ever keep Rip up on the target.

I don’t think the purpose is to keep rip up indefinitely, but to extend it to open up more time for you to upkeep roar and weave in bites around upkeeping that rip.

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its a lame rune that should have been what our new set bonus does.

feral spec rune should also give us our ST set bonus instead of some hit. We have plenty of hit already.

most of the cool ideas they have are either locked up in set bonuses or in runes that we cant take because mangle and savage roar are too required.

Boomkin have the same problem. Because of the other spells we have to press, we can’t dedicate all of out GCD’s to keeping our dots up. I have been suggesting that Elune’s Fires gets reworked a bit. If its gonna do something like this, it might as well to it well.

careful what you ask for. spriests essentially got that where their helmet rune resets all their dots to full duration as they cast mindspike/mindblast and now their rotation is 2 buttons after initial opener/dot application. pumps but its snoozeville

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Boomie finna be the worst performing spec in the game with the worst utility while also competing with priests/warlocks/mages for cloth drops because none of the datamined gear is leather caster gear so far.

I’ll take a snoozy 3 button rotation if it keeps my DoTs up.

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