Feral Druid DPS possible without MCP?

I did feral dps when the servers came out.
I was always a top 5 dps, and sometimes being the number 1 dps.

Against other pre-raid bis people, you are pretty damn good on the dps meters…

The problem is there is virtually no loot for you in MC outside of the odd ball ring or boe bracer - the ony neckless too i suppose.

You get out geared so fast by rogues and Fury wars that you just can’t keep up when the raid goes on farm.

In BWL you will be so out geared compared to the other classes.

Feral issues are simply scaling.

Cats use auto attack, shred and FB.

FB, with 5 combo points, garners only 15% from Attack Power values.

Shred simply isn’t a large enough coefficient to offset its energy cost.

The problem is that FB already hits very hard due to its static value…and bumping it much more would unbalance it for PvP.

Keep in mind that with AQ40 gear FB can crit for 3500+ on a debuffed boss. Naxx adds very little to Feral.

During the original Vanilla thread suggestions, to offset an MCP nerf, it was suggested boosting FB/Rip coefficients to +30%, boosting Shread to +300% damage + 180 static damage…while reducing its energy expenditure to 40 energy post talents.

Then include an ability, usable in Bear an Cat, that auto crits yellow attacks for 20s or so with a 2 minute timer.

It would allow for better scaling while still having burst TPS and DPS capabilities for Bear and Cat.

Cat only needs to do about 80 to 85 percent of the damage of other classes to easily justify a slot.

However that part of the issues with Feral is itemization post AQ40 in terms of long term raid viability.


Has anyone farmed MCP since Tuesday’s Patch, I have been at gnomer 10 times, all “Boots”, no MCPs…just bad luck or did Blizzard reduce chance that it would drop.

Honestly just reworking Tiger’s Fury into something worth using would be a step in the right direction.

As an energy generator for example.

Other simple change would be to shift Natural Weapons/Omen of Clarity’s position in the tree with Nature’s Grasp, freeing us 5 points to put into Feral Agression.

I imagine i can’t be the only PvE Druid annoyed at having to spend 5 points into something i can’t even use in instanced content, lol.


Yep, it is tough.
Lot of things others solo, i have to group for, because standing there healing myself at will does not do much to chew the mob down.

It has an upside, i dont tend to go OOM a lot in instances, and can heal through getting the hell smacked out of me.
I also eat lots of fish, helps fend off the OOMies

But yea it does make questing a bit harder.
My bear form is about like being punched by winnie the pooh

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I have. 15 runs gave me 7 MCP so the drop rate is pretty close to normal. bad luck man

Im bear tank, and their very strong, their rage growth is better then warrior, and you can even shift hop to make sure you never starved… its alot of armour stacking, but you have a very good raw damage mitigation, and alot of leather gear also have good resists, without sacrificing to much other stats… its a puzzle, of blues but its fun…

As bear even in raids you can serve as OT, and with a good heal set, you can contribute with healing, your hots help buy time, you have battle resses and you can inervate…

Druid, is the true hybrid in classic, iwe had more fun then i thought playing one !

Edit, and in pvp, you can chew up warriors, i love having warriors charge you in their epics, only have them realice you have 12k armour, and start mauling them down, and ontop of that you have a self heal, and can stun, and get off a heal, and shift back if needed, warriors is bear food in classic


Thanks. I don’t even PVP, but this was funny. And the rest of your post was good info for all druids.

not to mention you can debuff their armor, dot them a little, bounce into cat and dot a little more, bounce to tank and debuff their attacks, then stun and heal and repeat.

Well, mcp with the iron counterweight is equal to about 700 something attack power, atiesh with 25 agi and an elemental sharpening stone is equal to about 500 something

Feral dps is ‘suboptimal’, but this is a videogame, follow your heart. It’s probably the only dps rotation that has had more raw autism funneled through it than warriors and, even then, the ideal results endup sumwhere in the middle of the pack for rogues’ basic performance. I’ll strongly suggest you get ur CC rep to exalted not only for the nifty badge rewards, but also and the amazing AQ20 3p set bonus.

This thread died in December of 2019.

Report thread necroers for trolling or its going to keep happening.

Half of the threads showing are 4-year necros lol. We need the 2-month rule where the threads close after that of the Wrath forum.

Yep reported this guy for a lifetime ban. No excuses here.

Believe me these “high end” guilds are not as high as they think. If they were they would look for a challenge in endgame. As it stands NONE of them do it that consider themselves “hardcore” when they literally find every single way to make the content as easy as possible when it already is. Just as a frame of reference … the guild i was in on my warrior took server 3rd on naxx @ 6wks i think it took us and 1/2 the healer were LITERALLY in blue gear. It wasnt hard at all but they seem to think its required to raid it /shrug. Now if you were going for world first as in the actual world first then i could see pushing all you could because you have 0 knowledge of the raids or mechanics until u see them. Vanilla has been solve since the original TBC just people decided over time on private server to look at the data and think about it. Its really not hard at all the mechanics are pretty simple.

Maximizing dps and rp’ing as a rogue yes, mcp’s will maximize your damage as a feral.


If you try to play as a rogue you’re already playing feral wrong, you are brought for the utility you bring if it be tanking, dpsing, decursing, depoisioning, etc.

There are lots of unique abilities that no other class has and no other druid spec has in feral, key point being don’t get stuck just playing a single role, be able to branch out and fill whatever your group needs at the moment and you’ll be playing druid right.

Feral experience from 2019-2023 and DM-Naxx :cat: :bear: :herb:

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This is actually so true and what make feral so fun. You can be playing multiple roles in the raid and help taking pressure off any of the other roles. A mobs running free, taunt it, raid need dispels shift out and dispel, priest running oom innervate. Your party get aoed, tranquility. warrior died 5 seconds into the fight cuz deathwish brez. It’s a really awesome way to raid. Free to pump mcp. No other spec can really do it all.

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