Feral druid doing 10 MILLION DPS in MoP remix

Didn’t they say that the raids are on a daily lockout? If so, will it be that way on live I wonder?

Absolutely. And Blizzard themselves alluded to this event being a full throttle power trip.

Maybe this will still be nerfed/adjusted, maybe it won’t. Either way, rest assured this event will make all classes broken in some capacity.

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Sounds fun. My perspective is I hope they don’t change it and maybe even add stuff to make dps even more insane.


This is just g’damned awesome!
Hopefully all classes can get closer to this, or beyond!


its not on my screen. maybe somethings blocking it?

Sendryn is just your typical toxic “casual” (toxic bad). Just have to ignore people like him.

Oof. And here I was hoping that the fights would somewhat resemble how they felt to play back in the day.


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I’m just curious when we’re going to be able to play the Panda Remix.

In MoP we did have abilities that could do millions of damage. So, it’s not too far off.

Exactly, go crazy, have fun and mow stuff down.


I remember seeing a thread where the OP was asking what class everyone was going to play.

I think I found my answer…

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I remember why I removed details the last time lmao.
Removed again last night.
Literally burning the top of the DPS chart, and then some unstoppable sleep happens, no casting, nothing there to interrrupt, even if I could have, now Im nearly down to third on the damned chart.
Its not all the time, I get it, and yeah, it can happen to other players, but it seems like crap like that literaly targets whoever is actually doing good on damage, so WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT of even bothering to get good damage when that crap can happen.

Im out.
Details is deleted and Im not even bothering ever again to try to get good damage.
If we die as a result, I really dont care.
These joke mechanix that target the players doing the best damage are seriously stupid, not fun, and make it so one doesnt even want to try to burn down bosses quick.

thread muted because the entire topic is annoying me again.
I should never have installed Details again. lol

So, if we ignore the ‘panda’ pun, chosen for obvious reasons, it really is going to be pandemonium.

I think I’m more interested now. Not sure what my healer will be like but I am more interested.

Everyone does 10 mil DPS! Balanced!


Let the Feral Druids have this, it will be funny.


The power scaling on Timerunning is obscene. At max ilvl you can solo raids yourself.

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This still won’t get me to play a druid


Looks like I’ll be leveling a kitty!

Actually to be fair it was already on my shortlist of classes to mess around with that I haven’t touched this expansion.

Let us have this! Please have mercy and let us have this, just let us be meta for once!


The mastery scaling makes me want to play a Marks hunter. With the Sentinel Owl talent and a range of like 1,000 yards, could we shoot dungeon / raid bosses from outside their rooms?

it’s only 6 weeks for the whole event

Ain’t gonna be much time for parsing, progressing, metas, and all that

get in there and 1-shot stuff and have fun y’all

no need to overthink any of it

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