Feral druid doing 10 MILLION DPS in MoP remix

Either way, you likely won’t have players from Liquid trivializing your content. Going back and looking further into the actual source of 10mil DPS was because of Primal Wrath and the obscene amount of Mastery. It was also on the Garrosh fight, which had adds spawning so a lot of that 10Mil DPS was the two druids exploding the adds that spawned in.

Entire argument falls apart, you won’t have members of Liquid trivializing your content, you won’t be seeing 10mil ST DPS instakilling a boss. If the entire crux of the argument relies on misinterpreting information, there’s no argument to be had.


I’ve seen players doing 2M dps as blood dks on single target and multiple bosses in heroic raids dying really quick. So yes it depends on the players and what they’re using. I do expect some form of tuning. Do I expect them to nerf everything by 90%? No but a couple stuff here and there could be better. Maybe buffing a couple bosses hp could be more fun. Maybe bosses abilities shouldn’t one shot players as much.

u know i do pushups harhar

nothing preventing other classes from stacking secondaries that are normally capped

how do you know the boss died that fast? there are all kind of adds in that fight

I am not even sure Garrosh can be killed in phase one - I haven’t been in there since MoP but I seem to recall he went immune in some phases and regained all his health.

Garrosh won’t die in p1 (even in Dragonflight you can’t kill him that soon) and you still need to do the phases, not all bosses die that quick but for Garrosh it’s mostly rp reasons. I’ve watched a couple streams of people playing.

What’s the issue here?

game hard line of sights you at 80 yards as a quirk of the engine iirc (or at least, hunters mark had a range of 100 yards but you used to have to move closer than 80 or you’d get “target isn’t in line of sight” for the entire time the ability existed)

Wasn’t MoP the last expansion dots could snapshot?

I remember the Lei Shen trinket that gave 100% crit for 4 seconds being SUPER busted for dot specs

It’s about dang time the cats rise to the top. Be afraid! :cat2:

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I, for one, welcome our new feline overlords.

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I think some people don’t want to play feral but can’t figure out how to make another class/spec that powerful. I am 100% sure there are other combinations that do as much if not more damage.

Yeah I raided on feral that expansion and that was one annoying trinket but they ended up stopping it from working in WoD because it was overpowered even in the next expansion.

I think that meter screenshot was from the Garrosh fight - that dps is gained from ads not the boss. So I am doubtful you have to worry about bosses dying in 30 seconds from ferals.

They will be the best overlords, so long as people bow to them instead of trying to fight them.



Just a Malkorok Mythic kill, a single target fight with no immune phase, lasted around 40 secs with Ferals and destruction warlocks doing between 5-8M dps each.

there’s nothing there.

Huh. It’s there on my screen.

That’s so cute! :sob: How can anyone say no to that cute face??


that sounds fine to me really - I get bored when fights go much longer. As long as everyone can get a tag in and 40 seconds is enough time for that. Other classes will figure out combos that work.

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